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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Interesting input here > We want to PK have fun and cause havock with out the shit talking. please hit me up on Discord Pacey#8666 Or TinyTank Also more points for Killing David in game. we are here to enjoy the game so please keep it PG ;) ! Much Love from the aussie wanker.
  2. 3 points
    Hello Everyone .. Do you feel like it’s hard to find a good guild? Do you ever skip joining a guild because you doubt their real power? No Worries 🙂 We're recruiting! We're the TOP GUILD WAR winners .. Why us? -Our guild is active and helpful. -We don't let hard work go unnoticed (there're rewards). -Friendly members. -It's suitable for both PvE and PvP players. -There is no level requirement. -Join us and find out more & more.
  3. 2 points
    Best guild for me xd
  4. 1 point
    The Primal Conquer team wishes you all a happy Thanks Giving, As usual we'll be celebrating this special time with our own custom event. - The event runs From Thursday 2:30 PM Until Sunday 12:00 AM (UTC). - To start the event head over to Sean in TwinCity (426, 334) to begin the quest/story line. In addition to this we've boosted the following rates: - Mets by 50% - Sockets by 50% We wish you all a happy ThanksGiving!
  5. 1 point
    Hi , My name is Kiesha and im not only a mod on here but in game and discord. I will be posting up lil polls here and there just for fun and to see who's willing to vote lol , I am also here to help and guide you when needed. ( please dont need me to much jk ). Lets make our forums fun and keep watching for my posts ❤️ s Kiesha 🙂
  6. 1 point
    Server Maintenance, Downtime ~10 minute(s).
  7. 1 point
    Today marks one of many milestones since the launch of Primal Conquer, It's been a year since our launch and today we celebrate Primal Conquer's birthday, and to do this we have decided to double some rates for the next 4 days and they will be as follows: - Sunday: 2x Experience (Solo/Shared/Prof) rates. - Monday: 2x DB rates. - Tuesday: 2x +1 rates. - Wednesday: 2x Socket rates. We wish the entire community the best and happy hunting primals!
  8. 1 point
    Hello! My name is Eric. You might also know me as that annoying guy talking in all chat called Huntermann. Today I went over an "issue", if we can call it that, with Moh. It was about the way we open the sockets in the game. The situation at the moment is the following; you farm for hours hundreds and hundreds of mets, to then spend hours and hours placing the mets one by one for a minimal chance of an item opening a socket. After trying for myself, since there was no other option but to do so, and failing after wasting 600 mets, I began asking people. I've gone over it with several players, some stating that they've more than once gone past the 3.000 met mark without luck. I complained in chat, ironically, on how stupid this mechanic of the game is. And then Moh quickly jumped in to defend his position in the matter. After some minutes of politely arguing about the topic, we came to the conclusion that the best idea would be to post a formal suggestion here. And so after this introduction, here we go: Why is the system like this now? - It's the way Conquer 1.0 was - It's hard, it's random. A game of chance. - Makes the high met drop rate have a purpose. We all agree; hard, slow and random is good. What's missing, then? Enjoyment; feeling like you're being rewarded for a task you're spending so much time and effort on doing. - Some people farm the mets, collect the money and then buy the item with a socket they were looking for. - Some people like to earn things their own way, not going the easy way, which would be buy the items. But there's an issue for both ways here: barely anyone is willing to sell a socket item. It means potentially wasating money since you're going to sell it under the price all those mets were worth. Some don't sell them because it was SO frustrating to get, you never know when you'll need it. On the other side, players who like to go "single player" and earn things their way are not being rewarded with a fun and fruitful experience. What do we do then... do we change the system? No. Simply add another path for people to take. Chained to the same ideas as the current one; a hard fought, random and potentially more expensive path. My suggestion? A simple quest. This is of course a quick idea I had while trying to find a solution for this issue. There's dozens of possibilities for a change, of course you guys have more experience with this and would clearly end up with a better and refined plan. This is just an example of how it could go: First, an item with a socket is around 100M or 100kk. Why? Because it's more or less the amount of money they put in to have the socket. So for the quest to be serious, and not make the market drop, You should pay a fee to get in. I would say pay in mets. Because the high met drop rate should have a purpose, and mets should always be relevant in the game. For example; the NPC tells you, you have to give him 100 met scrolls (1.000 mets, 100kk worth of gold). This way you keep mets relevant. People still have to go out there and farm for those. Second; we, players, like it slow and hard fought. Take us into a map (like the mine or jail map, for example), make us kill whatever many monsters you like (balanced, between the amount of time it takes you to open a sock the regular way). Make them tanky, so Archers can't kill 40 in one scatter. That makes Trojans and Wars more relevant in the "single player" type of game. With a balanced and decent low probability, a tiny pearl or stone drops from the monsters you kill. (Did you get it after the second mosnter? wow so lucky. Did you spend an hour killing monsters and still haven't gotten any? Too bad, it's random, it's hard. Keep trying) This "stone" or item you get is tradeable. Just like Moon Boxes and Celestian Stones are. Why? Because if you're one of those players who doesn't like doing the quests, you like buying directly, you can purchase it and get the socket. You have the option of purchasing this or the item itself. If you want a necklace but noone is selling them, someone might be selling that and you can make the necklace yourself. Third; If we didnt have enough gambling, the stone itself doesn't have the 100% chance of opening a socket. Maybe a 70%, even a 50 (although too low of a chance would make the price drop). The numbers can change, the whole idea could be different. I just hope you get the point. Of course keep the main system aswell, maybe some players prefer to sit and try luck with their mets. It could potentially be cheaper, but give the other players a nice experience. ___________________________________ Something along those lines solves a couple of major issues. 1. The current system is boring, it kills the experience and the motion of the game. 2. Makes your current set useless. All your effort to be able to farm quicker and more efficient are thrown out the window because the easiest way of getting a socket is upgrading low level normal items. We all like Conquer 1.0 for basically the same reasons. It was hard to build up, sometimes frustrating, unfair. What I heard most is "we have it like this because it's how Co1.0 was". But I don't remember having 40 mets in 20 minutes in the original Conquer 1.0, do you? There's ways to keep the essence of the game intact. The randomness, the hard fought victories and rewards. We could have the good things Conquer 1.0 had, together with changing the bad things it had, for the best for us players. To make it more enjoyable. To keep us in the seat playing and jumping around. Not only sitting, for hours, wasting our time sliding mets into Oblivion. Thanks for your time :)
  9. 1 point
    Today we come to the community with a rundown of what has happened in the past 3 days and what is planned for the next week and we will be breaking them down into points. Features: - New Website: We were able to complete the website upgrade and our entire web interface (site, wiki and forums), This should allow us to communicate with our community and new players in a more clear way than ever before. - Composing system: A few months ago when Primal was still using it's old client, we had the old compose interface which had some rules to composition such as; -- Minor item has to be the same plus as the Main item (Not higher and not lower). -- Each Minor items of the same plus as the Main item granted 50% progress which is why we needed for example: (2 +2 Minor items to +3 a +2 Main item). -- The old composition system increased the items progress at 50% increments. When we upgraded our client to a higher version, we were forced to use the newer interface and that didn't match the 1.0 classic game-play experience, so we've made some changes and enforced the old 1.0 composition rules despite using the new composition interface. We have however missed a spot where Minor items of a lower plus were being composed into higher Main items, Which caused some problems and led to players having items with 10% progress, rather than having it go at 50% increments by using the correct Minor items. We have fixed that problem when it was reported yesterday and now for example: (+4 Main items will require 2 +4 Minor items to be composed to +5). In order to fix all the items on the server with in-between progression, All items at 1% to 49% or 51% to 99% progression will be rounded up to the closest break point. So if an item is in the 1% to 49% range the item will be rounded to 50% and if it is in the 51% to 99% range the item will be rounded to 100% - Guild Gate: Level Experience and XP Skill chaining were disabled due to a couple of abuse cases. - Gold Sinks: We are looking into ways to have proper gold sinks in place and we have some ideas that we will share soon. Events: - City War: Currently, the way we have City War programmed is that we award the winning guild of each city the corresponding maps plus a bonus map where they can hunt in with a slightly increased rate than normal, here is how we currently have it; - Twin City Win: Awards Twin City and Adventure Zone as bonus. - Phoenix Castle Win: Awards Phoenix Castle 1 and Hawking Cave as bonus. - Ape Mountain Win: Awards Ape Mountain 1 and Ape Mountain 2 as bonus. - Desert City Win: Awards Desert City 1 and Mystic Castle as bonus. - Bird Island Win: Awards Bird Island and island quests as bonus. We've thought a lot about shifting some of that power given to Guild Wars and come up with a system that is ties City War with Guild War and still have it feel rewarding as explained down below; - Twin City Win: Awards Twin City and Adventure Zone as bonus. - Phoenix Castle Win: Awards Phoenix Castle 1 and Phoenix Castle 2 as bonus. - Ape Mountain Win: Awards Ape Mountain 1 and Ape Mountain 2 as bonus. - Desert City Win: Awards Desert City 1 and Desert City 2 as bonus. - Bird Island Win: Awards Bird Island and Hawking Cave as bonus. PS: All bonuses are ONLY activated if the winner guild also had won Guild War. Example: If a guild won Phoenix Castle in City War but lost Guild War they will NOT be entitled to the bonus maps. - Guild War: We are trying to revamp Guild Wars and make it more appealing to players and have come up with a few ideas; -- Gold reward will be increased. -- The winner guild will enable City War bonus maps. -- The winner guild has control over all Guild Conductresses. -- The winner guild will get an exclusive Guild Conductress 5 that is only usable by members of that guild. -- The winner guild will get statues for Guild Leaders and 3 of the Deputy Leaders. -- The winner guild will get an exclusive Guild Hall that will serve one or all purposes below; --- Guild Hall will serve as a private area to regroup and chill. --- Guild Hall will have a private training ground to train weapon proficiency and skills. --- Guild Hall will have a shared guild bank. PS: We're actively looking into adding more objectives to compete for in Guild Wars, any suggestions are welcome as usual. We believe that sharing our thoughts and plans with our community is the best route and approach which is why we're being transparent and have taken the time to let our players know about this, Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely yours, Moh
  10. 1 point
    hi im not telling my real name but im 16 and a one hell of a toxic young man. i live in finland and i wont tell you anything else bout myself. ty for wasting ur time reading this pile of shit
  11. 1 point
    Hi my name is Eric, currently living in Sweden, Kalmar County.  I'm 26 and fabulous. Thanks Imperium for template.
  12. 1 point
    Administrators Moh Developers Moh xMarlin Omicron Moderators Kiesha Imperium Knevladd Havoc wroekel
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