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Mon Oct 15 (00:36:29 - 17:27:12) 2018

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commit c50d2c301d616c9f5eb30c347e438f72a0e99003
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Fixed an issue with Combat Statistics.
    - Antibot functionality extended.
    - Corrected Blowfish key to now load from the configuration file.
    - Login Attempt  counts are now being reset upon server reboot or successful login.
    - Improvements to server sided antibot.

    - Only spells with the type Line can now benefit from infnite stamina in PKA.
    - Jumping will now cancel queued spells.

    - Fixed an issue with SnakeKing not moving/attacking unless a player is too close.
    - Bumped SnakeKing drops a little.

    - Corrected BirthVillage - Old General Yang script.
    - Corrected BirthVillage - Blacksmith script.
    - Corrected BirthVillage - TaoistStar script.

    - Training Grounds experience reset to normal.
    - Guild Gates will now award spell experience.

    - More Admin commands.

    - Mining enabled in Phoenix Castle Mine floors.
    - VIP will no longer track Unique item drops.
    - Various improvements and fixes across the board, Can already see an improvement in CPU usage.

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