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Tue Oct 23 21:12:23 2018

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commit 2683ac9e5b44ce1d01f1c35d225620b8927ee1b3
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Reborned characters now get 30% extra defense.
    - Damage calculations improved.
    - Ganoderma and Titan spawn times xx:15 and xx:16 as they were in 1.0.

    - Only spells with single target damage can break durability from now on.
    - Spells with 0 damage will not cause a kill / re-kill on other entities.
    - Superman / Cyclone buffer timer will no longer exceed 45 seconds.

    - Creature Info loaded from a clean TQBin db and all stats loaded/corrected.
    - Improvements to creature AI.
    - Creature spawning corrected to fully be TQLike. (Note: this doesn't mean we have new spawns but spawns can differ a little).
    - VampireKing will no longer take less damage.

    - MeteorZone mine minerals added.

    - Skypass - Eternity implemented. plans to remove reborning from market.
    - Added Events option to TwinCity - Lantern which will allow players to queue for events.

    - Fixup to DeathMatch, now it's fully operational including custom flags.
    - Implemented sound effects for events and killing spree.

    - DeathMatch DMap is now loaded.
    - MZ mine DMap is now loaded.
    - Skypass DMap re-extracted. should no longer glitch and pull people back.

    - ConfigurationManager improved again, Players can now input their desired FPS.
    - Code clean up.
    - Profilled and optimized threading and certain methods to gain performance.
    - Fresh db backup.

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