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Wed Oct 31 19:07:47 2018

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commit 68328ab3aa93e2a2eb88e97c43f8de0947279bb9
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Duel system implemented.
    - Statistics for duels.
    - Scripting engine optimized and upgraded.
    - Stacking enabled again.
    - Fixed an issue with stacking that caused the creature thread spikes.
    - Threading optimizations, Now creature thread runs at a stable 5 ms max.

    - Events in PKA will no longer take advantage of infinite stamina.
    - TeamDeathMatch implemented. (Tested).
    - KillTheCaptain implemented.
    - FreeForAll implemented.
    - ElitePK implemented.
    - Hysteria implemented.
    - Preperations for Halloween.
    - Flags for PvP events.
    - AllowSpell check for tournaments that don't freeze enemies on start.
    - Cheap shot protection for events.
    - Events will now run automatically at xx:00, xx:30, xx:45.

    - Dueling can now be started through TwinCity - Lantern.

    - /tourny command implemented.

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