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Wed Nov 14 (13:57:03 - 13:57:36) 2018

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commit 9402a9a1437b329b61ebec1204b6eeacd42020fe
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Low level characters will now get the appropriate experience from team shared experience.
    - VIP now will autoloot 20% of the gold dropped.
    - VIP Teleport will now work regardless of PK count.
    - Attributes after level 120 won't be reset after a non-reborn character gains a level after 120.
    - Preperations for Primal Credits.
    - Duel system improvements and extensions.
    - Creating a Team now globally announces it for newbies to be alerted.

    - PvP events will now only trigger at xx:00 and xx:30.
    - PvP events will no longer attempt to begin if there aren't enough queued players for it.
    - PvP events IP/PC/Account based protection, This will no longer allow players queue up for an event on more than one char.
    - PvP events rewards buffed up ALOT.
    - GuildWar improvements.
    - DisCity improvements.

    - ArtisanWind improvements and rate increase.

    - HellTroll will now count as 3 kills in DisCity counter.

    - NewbiePackage is now more friendly to new players and awards an Elite bound set of gears.
    - MeteorTears can now be used for level upgrade at ArtisanWind and has double chance for a socket.

    - More admin commands.

    - Bound/Locked items can't be traded nor dropped.
    - Fiixed a NRE on account loading.

    - Gold Rate buffed up.
    - Experience Rate buffed up.
    - Prof Rate buffed up.
    - Spell Rate buffed up.
    - Socket Rate buffed up.

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