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Mon Nov 19 (19:21:22 - 21:07:54) 2018

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commit 0e7137ba2f6c00fb0fe0e6df66b225888385b60d
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - VIP Teleport is now disabled in advanced maps to avoid characters getting stuck.
    - Corrections to GetTank method, this will fix stack fails.
    - Squamas reworked.
    - DBDevil quest level requirements added.
    - Equipping/Unequipping items will no longer give players in transform their original stats.
    - Improvements to MessageBoard.
    - Extensions to ActionThread.

    - CityWars implemented 80%.
    - Improvements to Event AI.
    - Fixed up more event rewards.
    - Thanks Giving event written.
    - Christmas event written.

    - Super gems effect disabled during duels.
    - Attacker LastMagic is now set after the spell is cast, This will resolve the delay issue when spamming spells.
    - Corrections to enforced spell delays.
    - SuperMan now properly awards the correct hit rate and accuracy.
    - Passive spells will no longer work while in transfrom.
    - Cleanups to Calculation class.

    - DBDevil now has the correct defenses.
    - MeteorDove (King) now has the correct defenses.

    - MeteorTear/MeteorTearPack Packing/Unpacking.
    - Corrected an issue with 120+ headgear composition.

    - Fresh DB Backups.
    - Solution wide code cleanups and optimizations.

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