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Wed Jun 19 20:32:36 2019

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commit 023e86295533b342afef3d5bd355859f50cc29d3
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - AI Bots (Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane and Unbeatable) were implemented and added.
    - Duel rewritten and improved.
    - Fixed an issue that caused Duel Requests to last forever, Now expires in 10 seconds.
    - Integerated AI Bots to be used for Duels.
    - Integerated AI Bots to be used in Arena.
    - Integerated AI Bots to be used in PvPEvents(Not Active).
    - Spectating implemented.
    - Corrections to Experience gain formula to match that of retail.
    - Updated Team Shared Experience to benefit from the new Experience formula.
    - More server messages added.
    - DiscordBot improvements and admin controls.
    - Hub improvements.
    - Hub extensions for DiscordBot.
    - Hub extensions for WebSite.
    - Vision class updated and extended to support AIBot vision.
    - IPBan capabilities extended to GameServer and DiscordBot.
    - AI Bots will no longer receive packets.
    - EntityTypes extended.
    - Map class extended to support AI Bots.
    - Ticket system improved.
    - Fixed an issue that caused Money exceeding a certain amount to not be saved.
    - Fixed an issue that caused WHMoney exceeding a certain amount to not be saved.
    - Packets:
    -- MsgConnect improvements and fixups.
    -- MsgNoble implemented.

    - TrainingGrounds Experience gain corrected.
    - GuildGate Experience gain corrected.
    - All SOBs now award proper experience based on the type of SOB.
    - Line skill improvements.

    - Extensions to the creature class to provide more data for an accurate Experience calculation.
    - Revivers will no longer attempt to revive AI Bots nor detect them.
    - Fixed an issue that caused DevilKings to be considered as King type creatures.
    - King Creatures will now have a chance of dropping Meteors on death instead of a 100% chance.

    - MagicArtisan has been improved and now will count MeteorScrolls.
    - Fixed a flaw with MysticMerchant.
    - Fixed an issue with StorageNPC.
    - Lantern updated to offer more options to dueling and spectating.

    - Will no longer be damaged when attacked, instead will be disposed off when it's task is complete.

    - Dance books are now included in VIP detection and highlights.
    - Garment Preview implemented (Not Active).

    - CityWars will now reset XP circle correctly on entry.
    - CityWars entries will now be in random locations (Not Active).
    - DisCity now runs at 7 PM server time on Monday and Wednesday.

    - More admin commands.

    - Code optimizations and cleanups.

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