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Wed Jul 3 04:10:50 2019

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commit fe605c018de5af1885f7e57451fae2679c36787d
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Improvements to our ThreadSafeRandom class.
    - Fall off experience will not be as brutal as they were previously.
    - Buffs to Super and Elite drop rates.
    - Server will no longer allow funky character names, (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) are the allowed characters from now on.
    - Server logging improved alot.
    - Added an inspection message when viewing equipment.
    - Fixed an issue with our compose system.
    - TeleportDisableMap collected extended and updated.
    - TQLike team shared experience calculation.
    - Added a noob experience message when power leveling.

    - Invisible staff members will no longer be targettable by Area/Sector/Arc/Line attacks.
    - Fixed an issue with certain spells jumping back to their levels before reborn.

    - Spawning and Respawning logic was rewritten.
    - TQLike generator implementation.
    - Creatures will now save their initial spawn point and respawn at it.

    - GuildGate will no longer award level experience, only profs and spells are gainable now.

    - City Scroll Gates were fixed.

    - More admin commands and improvements to current layout.

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