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Sat Jul 20 21:17:57 2019

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commit 3095e532865d7dea8b5f14f7ad0ad32eb53e42a0
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - AssemblyInfo fixups, now will properly show build numbers etc.
    - Old Logging system using Log4Net scrapped.
    - Implemented proper logging using MongoDB.
    - Improvements to Hub class.
    - Kernel extensions.
    - DateTime extensions.
    - Core will now have an easier time reloading creature spawns if needed.
    - Entity ReceiveDamage method was rewritten, to be far more efficient and cleaner.
    - Entity ReceiveDamage method now adopts gear based PvP Events.
    - Improvements to Revive method.
    - Improvements to Teleport method.
    - Dueling map instances randomised.
    - ElitePK, ClassPK, WeeklyPK and MonthlyPK added to EventTypes.
    - Improvements to ClientThread.
    - Improvements to WorldThread to maintain the new event AI and new events.
    - Central MongoHelper class to make Mongo operations easier.

    - Corrected an issue IsValidTarget() function.
    - Fixed an issue that kept the player in an InTone state if his target was killed by someone else.
    - Fixed an issue that caused reflected attacks not to award the attacker the BlueName aura.

    - ArenaGuard will now be the gateway to Class PK.

    - Event AI rewritten.
    - Fixed an issue reported by Vizp with SpawnProtection being so long in the beginning of the event.
    - PvP Events will now properly sort flags during events.
    - PvP Events will now respawn players properly during events.
    - PvP Events will now show counters to display when the event starts.
    - PvP Events will now display proper event effects.
    - PvP Events will now retain player location before the event and return them to it after the event is finished.
    - PvP Event maps will now share the RecordDisable.
    - Fixed an issue that caused players that disconnect inside not to be relocated to their original location.
    - Shields are now allowed in PvP Events.
    - Gear based events logic implemented.
    - Gear based events will allow players to use potions and equip/unequip gears.
    - Elite PK implemented along with ranking (1v1 tournament with eliminations).
    - Class PK implemented.
    - Class PK will run on Sunday 4 PM server time.
    - Weekly PK implemented.
    - Monthly PK implemented.
    - Weekly PK and Monthly PK will run on Friday 8 PM server time.
    - Weekly PK will run during the first 3 weeks of the month.
    - Monthly PK will run during the last week of the month.
    - DeathMatch improvements.
    - FreeForAll improvements.
    - Hysteria  improvements.
    - KillTheCaptain improvements.
    - KillTheTerrorist improvements.
    - PassTheBomb improvements.
    - TeamDeathMatch improvements.

    - More Admin commands.
    - Fixups to some player commands.

    - Removed unused namespaces from the project.
    - Code cleanups.
    - Optimizations to the solution.

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