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Fri Aug 23 22:46:40 2019

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commit 945fd02bf0c38442b421fec466a49aae0e18b485
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Fixups to VIP Repair message.
    - MsgFuse updates and fixups for upcoming features.
    - ItemThread improved.
    - CreatureThread improved.
    - Server will now try harder to find a more valid location (Needs testing).
    - AIBots will no longer benefit from SpawnProtection.

    - Linear spells now allow up to 75 yards of height difference.

    - Corrections to ArenaGuard to allow more sign up time for ClassPK.
    - Corrections to MysticMerchant.

    - Each event now have it's own signup time that can be overidden.
    - Updated EventStart() to account for the different signup times.
    - ClassPK now has a 15 minute signup time.
    - WeeklyPK, MonthlyPK now have a 5 minute signup time.
    - WeeklyPK, MonthlyPK will no longer retain Companions on death.

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