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Mon Oct 7 10:46:22 2019

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commit 2da747c596cf8e38910e74716e6668532515d1a1
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Corrections to gem handling, Now properly retains gem values even during transformations.
    - WorldClients can now retain attack speeds.
    - Transformations now loads proper attack speed values from the database.
    - Transformations now allow players to retain attack speeds after going back to normal form.
    - Extentions to FrostEmu bot.
    - Fixed an issue where players in-game could use the bot to @everyone @here on discord.
    - AttackSpeed field now properly determines the correct attack speed depending on the state of the attack.
    - Retaining attack speeds is now properly canceled when moving/dying etc.

    - Fixed an issue that caused Transformation skills to not benefit from MoonGem bonus.

    - CityWar Captains now remove XPShield auras from players on entry.

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