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Wed Oct 30 08:13:35 2019

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commit febef4478697dee7273ca825390cc91621992a6c
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Configuration file cleanup.
    - Threading base class optimized and extended.
    - Buffer sizes changed for both Logon and World servers.
    - PerformanceMonitors implemented.
    - Server internal statistics improved.
    - Constants class extended to include arrows and spells they trigger.
    - Fixed a critical issue/flaw with shops and validation.
    - ServerDatabase now properly loads every item shop and their items.
    - Logging extensions.
    - Item class cleanup.
    - Packets:
    -- MsgItem cleanup.

    - Implemented the ability to use items that can trigger spells e.g. RocketArrow (Disabled).
    - Implemented nextMagic functionality to spells that have them e.g. Pervade.
    - Fixed up spells with type StatusAttack e.g. FreezeArrow.
    - MeleeHandler cleanups.
    - Fixed a bug that allowed players to level up profs without the need to meet the prof level requirements.
    - Temporary spells such as reborn effects will no longer be saved to the database.

    - Halloween seasonal event rewritten (Not complete).
    - DisCity signup period increased to 10 minutes instead of 5.
    - ClassPK now has a random reward.
    - WeeklyPK leeched score is now a fixed amount per kill.
    - MonthlyPK leeched score is now a fixed amount per kill.
    - Fixed a typo that caused all WeeklyPK/MonthlyPK members to be rewarded.
    - Fixed a bug that locked players that got eliminated from events from using items.

    - SolarSaint will now accomodate DisCity changes.
    - ColorShop - Tinter idiot proofed.
    - TwinCity - Shopboy idiot proofed.

    - Fixups to Halloween - TransformCandy.
    - SpecialItems - MysticBox rewritten to ensure a decent reward everytime.

    - More admin commands.
    - Console commands rewritten.
    - More Console commands.
    - Fix up to Transform commands.
    - ResetPlayer can now reset offline players.
    - AwardVIP can now award offline players.

    - Patch 37, contains garments and halloween preps part 1.

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