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Mon Nov 4 22:38:01 2019

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commit f051abfec8a057e1cb95f46638347620649a0c3f
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Capturing a blacknamed player will not trigger a discord announcement.
    - Corrected an issue that allowed blacknamed players to be capped in FreePK zones.
    - Stacking now is nullified by attacks.

    - Disabled Halloween event.

    - Expball experience corrected.
    - Corrections to MagicMirror discord announcements.
    - Corrections to PumpkinBox discord announcements and loot pool.
    - TransformCandy no longer awards experience.

    - Fixed a typo with KingJack.
    - Sockets made through MagicArtisan will now trigger a discord announcement.
    - Sockets made through WeaponMaster will now trigger a discord announcement.

    - More admin commands.
    - Extentions to mod commands.

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