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Rules & Regulations

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1. No spamming, advertising other servers, not safe for work photos etc. Don't be rude and annoying. We want to keep the atmosphere positive. We're not against trolling but don't make it all you do on this server 2. No harassment, racism, discrimination, insensitive commenting, flaming, and personal attacks will be tolerated. Opinion and criticism is welcomed, but toxic behavior is not. You will be banned immediately without a warning. 3. No sharing of personal or private information about others, and malicious attacks. You will be banned immediately without a warning. 4. Do not promote self-harm, suicide in any form (including kys memes). You will be banned from the server without a warning. 5. Do not spread false or incorrect information about the server or staff.
6. Questions should be asked in a clear way, not "will this work" and "it doesn't work" aren't sufficient. Explain in detail the problems you're having, the steps you took to resolve/attempt to fix them etc. ᅠ 7. Do not mention or direct message staff members with roles, without asking for permission first. Anyone can answer your question, even if you haven't spoken to them before. 8. Your Discord nickname must not be offensive, and as well your "Playing" status must be appropriate. 9. We ask you that you use a nickname that's mention-able or with some sort of name we can call you. If your nickname on the server is similar to a staff member's name then you will be asked to change it, if you don't change you will be kicked from the server. 10. Bots aren't allowed on this server unless approved by an administrator and serve a specific purpose. We don't accept user bots. You can test your bots on your own Discord Server. 11. Follow all staff members instructions that are given to you, if you're told to stop doing something, stop it. 12. Do not impersonate any members of the staff. All members of the staff have a hoisted role. You will be banned immediately without a warning. 13. Being on this server is a privilege which can be lost at anytime, not a right to which you are entitled. Remember this in your interactions with other people.

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