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Forum Rules

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The following are the rules, which every member must abide by when using the Forum:


1. Language:

* The forum accepts English only as the written/read/media/content language.

* Only exception to this rule are Guild Names & Advertisements (relevant advertisements) but you are to provide an English version to set Guild Name and/or Advertisement.


2. Content:

* You are not allowed to post topics/replies and/or send private messages (PMs) to ANY member which advertises or solicits any products, services or funds of any kind.

* NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with swiftly. This includes not limited to (applies also to signatures, images, advertisements and so on):

  Nudity, Pornography, Sexual Content (of any kind), Violence, Racism, Drugs, Hate Speech, Profanity and/or other elements that are outside the boundaries of the law.

* Satire/Parody of content is allowed to a certain extent but it can be edited or removed at any time by administrators.


3. Privacy:

* You are NOT allowed to:

a ) Post media of forum users without his/her/their consent.

b ) Post any personal information of a forum user.

c ) Post any information that might lead to harm or provide negative experience of a forum user.

d ) Post topics/replies/private messages which contain media or personal information of a forum user that is not your own.

e ) Post any media/information that might harm a certain group of people. This applies but not limited to religion, politics and so on.


4. Usage:

* By using the forums you agree to:

a ) Post relevant content of interest.

b ) Respect the rules of sub-forums (read the rules of set sub-forums).

c ) Post content that does not offend or bring harm of any kind.

d ) Have an overall respectful nature/attitude.


* By using the forums you agree not to:

a ) Flame/Insult/Bash any forum user(s) and/or group(s).

b ) Advertise other server(s) under any circumstance or form.

c ) Advertise of goods/services that are not relevant to the forum.

d ) Spam of any kind (topics, replies, private messages, signatures and so on).

e ) Post any media content with any harmful message, content or otherwise considered NSFW or illegal.

f ) Usage of CAPS that would be considered excessive and/or not necessary.

g ) Post replies/media/content/signature of a size that would disrupt the well being of the forums/topics/replies/private messages.


5. Moderation:

* By using the forum you accept:

a ) Editing or removal of content if set nature is to harm the well being of the forums and/or forum users.

b ) Editing or removal topics, replies, private messages if set nature is to harm the well being of the forums and/or forum users.

c ) Editing or removal of signature or other media content if set nature is to harm the well being of the forum and/or forum users.

* The rules stated above can only be moderated by users with the forum privileges to do so. These rules are here only to keep the well being of the forum and are not to be used in a negative fashion or intention.


Important Notes:

* By using the forum you automatically accept all the rules stated above. If you have any questions please private message (PM) administrators.

* If you are to break any of the rules state above, one or more penalties will be applied depending on severity and previous committed rule breaking. Please note that penalties can apply to multiple forum accounts of set user.

* If you disagree with any of the rules stated above, you are to leave the forums as you are not allowed to use this service/media.

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