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Sat Feb 1 12:35:37 2020

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commit e2bfb43fcab3966be11f04ad4dd0a234242e5c74
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Updates to Kernel GetDirection() method.
    - Guilds now can have 1 Fealty Guild, changeable once a week.

    - Companions/Pets are now included in the ghost/spell stacking mechanic.
    - Fixed an issue with EarthQuake that was caused by an invalid scaling value in the database and also added the Freeze effect.

    - Improvements to Monster AI and fixups to some of the issues that came up with the last update.
    - Rewrote Move() method.
    - Rewrote Escape() method.
    - Major code refactoring for the Creature AI.

    - City War bonuses are extended to Fealty Guilds.
    - City War major code refactoring.

    - TwinCity - GuildDirector Organized dialog and added a new option to assign fealty guilds.

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