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Wed Feb 5 04:40:36 2020

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commit f89e74da0d5031b96002bc3cae3d9e1f1039d15b
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Fixed an issue that caused items to drop in an odd shape/pattern.
    -- Class Cleanups:
    --- Kernel.
    --- PrimalHub.
    --- DropHandler.
    --- LogonHandler.
    --- PacketHandler.
    --- Selector.
    --- Server.
    --- Vision.
    --- Entity.
    --- MapEffect.
    --- NPC.
    --- SOB.
    --- Associate.
    --- Guild.
    --- CombatStatistics.
    --- Item.
    --- Map.
    --- MessageBoard.
    --- Proficiency.
    --- Spell.
    --- Storage.
    --- Task.
    --- Team.
    --- Trade.
    --- ClientThread.

    - Calculation cleanup.

    - Aides missing AI has been added.
    - Creature AI may now use pathfinding capabilities for certain creatures.
    - Escape mechanic was limited to creatures of the Aide type.

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