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State of things

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As many of you know, We've been working on improving server stability and fixing the remaining issues that resulted after the core network threading updates we've had and we feel that we've gotten to a decent state and are now ready to move on to our next milestone set for us which is the client, Many of you know that we'veĀ been experimenting with newer clients and newer projects to see our limits and how we get past them.

In the next few weeks we will announce our progress working with our new targeted client which should eliminate most of the issues we're facing with our current client as well as improve the stability of framerates and the addition of newer feature and content.

As seen on our discord we've made an announcement to recruit a small team that will help direct and steer this new project, we will be announcing the selected players shortly.

Anyhow, We thought we'd make an announcement to let people know that we're still VERY much involved and will continue to work on improving primal and as a thank you to the community for being a part of this amazing project we're going to be increasing +1 rates for the next 24 hours.

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