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Mon Jun 8 07:32:33 2020

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commit ef18646209b3fde171f4522e300e494d50ffed42
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Kernel DMap validation now adds an extra 1x1 tiles around NPCs and marks them invalid for creature movement and item drops.
    - Updates and fixes the KOBoard system and now should properly handle disconnected/crashed players.
    - Fixed an issue with trading that was caused by an un-intended interaction.
    - Rewritten all sanity checks for MsgItem and MsgTrade.
    - Trading disabled during NPC interaction.
    - NPC interaction disabled during trading.
    - NetworkThreading improved.

    - PvPEvents will now happen every hour at xx:00 instead of every 15 minutes.
    - PvPEvents rewards buffed.

    - Lab bosses now inherit their correct settings.

    - Market - MysticMerchant: Corrected an issue that stopped VirtuePoints being usable as a currency for bonus rates.
    - ApeCity - SpaceMark #2: Corrected given scroll.
    - ApeCity - SpaceMark #3: Corrected given scroll.

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