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Thu May 6 17:38:55 2021

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commit d2a93567e6b8b900fccc774b48196d2b8c8752bc
Author: Moh360 <[email protected]>

    - Item Spammer rewritten and enabled it for testing, Currently it only accepts DragonBalls which equals 20 Meteors (20 spams).
    - Chat notifications updated to match CityWar and DisCity time shifts.

    - CityWars and DisCity were shifted back by an hour.
    - PvP Events will now hide player names.
    - PvP Events will now disguise everyone with proper garments to fit team colors.
    - Fixed the issue with KillTheCaptain failing on captain assignments.

    - Fixed an issue with MagicArtisan stealing some mets.

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