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Sun Sep 19 15:51:45 2021

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commit ded44bad33b0d16e4178617429838a45f5195866

Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]>


    Discord commands, Fixes to PassTheBomb glitching, Drop rates changes & more.



    - Rewrote HuntSimulation class.

    - DropHandler base rates changed to match that of TQ.

    - Buffs to global drop rate multipliers to compensate for the base rate change.



    - Fixed an issue with AntiAfk eliminating people from events and not rechecking tournament requirements.

    - PassTheBomb will now end if AntiAfk eliminates someone and there's only 1 or 0 players remaining.



    - Fixed an issue with Boss AI crashing the server due to an improper dispose.

    - Boss AI is now even smarter than osama.

    - Anniversary Boss fixups to award proper gold bonus in the end.

    - Anniversary Boss will now randomly roll 2 MagicMirrors to players randomly from the top 10 contributers.



    - drops discord command written.

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