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Sat Oct 2 17:21:33 2021

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commit 1febd7745a73da8c28d10cca2eb798cd9657aec6

Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]>


    Scripting Engine overhaul and rewrite.



    - Scripting Engine completely rewritten to support single and mass hot reloads, app domain loading/unloading assemblies, Namespaces and full Class support, intellisense and code completion, Script debugging & more.

    - Scripting Engine preperations to implement automatic reload/remove/add scripts on file change/delete/creation.

    - Adapted all older scripts to work with the new Scripting Engine.

    - Separated scripts in their own solutions and projects.

    - Hub adapted to use the new Scripting Engine.

    - LogonHandler adapted to use the new Scripting Engine.

    - Only 1 Scripting Engine is used instead of 7 for all types of scripts.

    - Old ScriptDatabase removed.

    - ServerDatabase now inits the Scripting Engine during boot sequence.

    - WorldClients, Npc and Items now fall under the IScriptOwner interface.

    - WorldTask updated to use the Scripting Engine.



    - Npcs adapted to use the new Scripting Engine and find npc scripts.



    - Items adapted to use the new Scripting Engine and find item scripts.



    - In-game commands adapted to use the new Scripting Engine and find command scripts.

    - Discord commands adapted to use the new Scripting Engine and find command scripts.

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