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Sat Jun 4 23:16:15 2022

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commit 72b55e8fc69862edf852fef01a7089a2ec3af86c

Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]>


    Upgraded all projects to .net6, ScriptingEngine ported from FrostEvo core



    - All projects were upgraded to .net6 instead of .net5.

    - ScriptingEngine ported from FrostEvo core (Exodus).

    - Extensions to Configurations (Considering a rewrite later).

    - UniqueMiner implementation.

    - Item Drops & Upgrades limited by config (Currently set to 115).

    - MsgTalk modifications, ToxicityFilter is now toggleable using /togglechatfilter.

    - PkPoints will now be reduced at the official rate (6 mins) for BlackNamed players and half of that for others (3 mins) which is currently primals default.



    - Fixed an issue with MagicAttack type Collide not being able to get the correct target if a player is stacked on an item, now it only filters Creatures, Companions and Players.



    - Disabled WindSpell scrolls usage by Blue/Red/Black names.

    - Adjustements to work with the new engine.



    - Adjustements to work with the new engine.



    - Adjustements to work with the new engine.

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