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Fri Mar 16 16:06:23 2018

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commit 5513ed7b7122d1feb2036ba39c94167f38ffdb41
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Selector Fixed and optimized.
    - Missing portals for Ancient Devil quest added.
    - Special item drops loaded from TQBins.
    - Fixed a bug Bomb quest (thanks marlin -_-).
    - Added a table with server info for website use.
    - Fresh SQL backup for world server.
    - Players now gain experience from pet kills and attacks for melee and magic.
    - KO counter no longer increases in TG.
    - ActionThread implemented.
    - Spells with IntoneDelay such as FireCircle now properly wait for the intone delay.
    - Fixed a bug that allowed players to attack targets after revived (auto attacking same target with the same UID).
    - Adjusted DB rate.
    - Fixed an issue with the DropHandler not dropping certain itemtypes and overflowing item level.
    - Companion and ActionThread collections added to Kernel.
    - NPCGenerator, ActionGenerator added to Kernel.
    - BootTime added to Kernel.
    - Fixed an issue with Selector causing vision to be removed after teleporting to maps.
    - Companion Vision implemented.
    - DBServer, ServerRepository added.
    - Utilized automatic UID generation for players.
    - Companion class and logic impelented.
    - Companion AI implentation (still missing DMap checks on movement).
    - Players now flash if their pets attack other players or guards.
    - Pets now disappear on player logout/dc.
    - ItemEffects implementation.
    - Adapted MsgRegister to utilize Selector.
    - Adapted MsgConnect to utilize Selector.
    - Fixed a bug that caused the players to have incorrect stats after finishing transform.
    - Fixed a bug that allowed players to pick up more than 40 items.
    - Players now don't regen stamina during transform.
    - Automatic flush and updates to server table with server info.
    - Solution wide cleanup and optimizations, Performance increase of 30% in certain areas.

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