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Sat Mar 17 (05:48:32 - 15:02:00) 2018

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commit 6b8c542da678da131a913a970b713b06f27291f4
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Fixed an issue with /spell and /prof.
    - Added /godmode.
    - PvPEvent base class.
    - EventTeam and EventMember classes.
    - EventTeamType and EventState enums added.
    - Code Cleanup.
    - Fixed an issue with Simon and Diamond exchange.
    - New WorldDB SQL.
    - Fixed the delay on certain line spells.
    - Added Patrol functionality, now it will chase black named players! YAY!
    - Fixed an issue with Life and Mana not being loaded and displayed properly.
    - Fixed MapFlags and all the PK/Spawning issues with maps.
    - No more +1 diamons drops thank you.
    - Fixed an issue with transform not removing the flag properly.
    - Fixed an issue with transform not resetting lookface upon dc/logout.
    - Implemented MsgItem SubType 8: CombineItem.
    - Maximum Durability now drops on failed upgrade (40% chance).
    - Fixed an issue that enabled players to add themselves in Friends and Enemy lists (lonely much?).
    - Another update.
    - Added /spell and /prof to commands.
    - Fixed an issue with transform ending.
    - Fixed an issue with Area spell range.
    - Fixed an issue causing team leader flag disappearing on death.
    - An attempt to resolve a memory leak.

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