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Tue Jul 10 01:57:06 2018

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commit 0d5b1e50057b47d76ded380256a358e27d0aa175
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Character recalculate stats message will no longer be spammed upon equip/unequip.
    - Added an additional NPCInput field to WorldClient.
    - Spells and Profs Updates are now sent to the player when unlearned.
    - Reborn method rewrite and adjustments.
    - Corrected an issue that caused some items to not be deleveled correctly.
    - Reborned Characters now send their reborn status to surrounding players.
    - Implementated Dying Armor (Tinter and ShopBoy) logic.
    - Written ColorShop - Tinter script.
    - Added black dye option to ShopBoy for a DB.
    - Added Item rewards to sqaumas.
    - ToString() added to Spell, MapItem classes.
    - NewbiePackage added.
    - Updates to Selector and improvements.
    - Fixed an issue with BlueMouse quest NPC.
    - Corrections to TaoistMoon, BirthVillage - KnowItAll scripts. (Thank you pumkin).
    - Disabled blessing items from market (Ethereal).
    - Removed Bless from dropped items on Creature death.
    - Market - Eternity (Reborn npc script) written.
    - Market - Celestial Tao now requires a dragonball to realot points.
    - Fixed an issue with guard spell not leveling up.
    - Added Server Uptime messages to discord bot and logon.
    - ItemColors enum added.
    - Fixed an issue that caused scepted to not drop as plused items.
    - Fixed an issue that caused Meditition to kill it's owner? lol'd.
    - DropHandler now correctly drops colored items.
    - Fresh SQL dump.

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