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Sun Aug 21 02:15:44 2022

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commit be302c6ae2d76c78a70383d1b295f330179b66ff

Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]>


    GuildWar Updates


    *Context: In addition to the previous changes with GW reward, I'm looking into more things to get people interested into playing GW other than the reward, SO I'm reaching into my bag of tricks.



    - GW winner guild gets an extra 5% gold pick up if they have their exotic pets summoned while hunting.

    - GW winner guild gets 12.5% extra experience from all sources while leveling, plvling, prof and skill.

    - GW winner guild gets 12.5% less repair costs for items.

    - GW winner guild gets 12.5% vendor discounts.

    - GW winner guild gets an exclusive GuildConductress5.

    - GW winner guild gets an exclusive guild hall with a shared guild bank accessible through GuildDirector. (Other activities to be added in the future).



    - Scroll - Guild Transport5 implemented.

    - GuildConductor5 implemented.

    - GuildConductor5 GA implemented.

    - Guild Director now grants access to Guild Hall.

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