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Sun Sep 18 00:57:50 2022

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commit 9d1a88554d5a018b978e14cae64599b862060cad

Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]>


    City War changes


    *Context: In order to give new and smaller guilds a chance to compete for City Wars and ensure a more fair fight, The following changes were made to City Wars.


    *Note: These CityWar changes will only be active until balance is restored between sides.



    - Kernel dynamic toggle for PvP Hw locking.



    - CityWar: Grants only one character per hardware access to CityWar maps.

    - CityWar: Death inside CityWar maps will not free hardware locks only a complete removal of the map does.

    - CityWar: Keeps track of characters entering/leaving/dying.

    - CityWar: Keeps performance counters as in kills/deaths/revives/damage done/healing done etc.

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