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Wed Sep 26 (08:41:53 - 15:35:04) 2018

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commit 3478c0d0526aecd544632c8d31d4968afbdc2e48
Author: Moh <[email protected]>

    - Dynamic server configuration implemented.
    - Using spells that aren't aggressive will no longer trigger stam rape.
    - Fixed an typo with damage calculation that caused reborned characters to take WAY less damage that they should.
    - Exiting Transform will now properly remove Transform flag from the player which will fix stamina regenration.

    - Modifications to Standard creature AI to not detect and gather around players with the Fly flag (Ok, Dan).

    - TG will no longer award XP progress.

    - Preperations for PvP tournaments.

    - Code Cleanup & optimizations.
    - Fixed an issue where players killing blue named players still gave them pkps.

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