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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit 11ee9f4681394f00d86a15e76e5669ba96779f31 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Db Updates and commands Core: - MongoDb extensions Command: - New admin commands
  2. commit 64699f9d512a6499bb57f42fab6cfc661b46170e Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Market Storage and reset duel fixups Script/Npc: - Fixed an issue with withdrawals of a full set of refined gems where id calculation sometimes failed. Script/Cmd: - Fixed a NRE with /resetduel when dueling a bot.
  3. commit 3959e032a20f54fa32dd1fc9f080dea703ec6a35 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Market Storage updates Script/Npc: - StorageNpc now displays gems in a better way. - StorageNpc now offers a withdrawal option for a full set of refined gems as well as normals.
  4. commit 84dc7210efefc612de756f26fe9e5c5e3eb77aef Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> New Networking library Core: - Implementation of the new networking layer for upcoming client update.
  5. commit 6bee68ccfbf253fcb3872598161b2c0890787c94 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Threading updates Core: - Some tweaks to Threading to use new TaskBase.
  6. commit 222712f4491158dc0a58a0687801fc8b731ef9b7 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Another MarketStorage typo Npc/Script: - Market Storage typo fixed.
  7. commit 70144184313b11be8457a9949c51f3642c43e77c Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> City War Captain updates Script/Npc: - City War captains will no longer display US CW winners.
  8. commit a7cb7bfa6fc4e2da927fc93b74e1cd6203a2c474 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Pet AI fixes Pet: - Fixed an issue that prevented pets from attacking.
  9. commit 6206766ad8c8e91c03a029bab83f322556f57db4 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Death from the inside Pet: - Fixed an issue where a pet respawn/despawn would count as pet death which resulted in Soul Pets killing their owners on teleport.
  10. commit e929668d7993cab6cfdb8a6095b0752aa5fee335 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Market Storage Typo fix Script/Npc: - Fixed a typo with StorageNpc script.
  11. commit d5bace657192693bf4ad476e0ee224cd28ff6513 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Warden updates Core: - Automatic warden lib detection on different operating systems.
  12. commit f93819199542c03f4570e930292f34c6bc49a87b Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Soul Pets fixup Pet: - Soul pets will no longer cause death on teleport or resummon.
  13. commit b8e5b72e28882c89c193398e84b4b60ccee02871 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Warden Native Core: - Warden Server and native libraries built
  14. commit c9d8dd5cc2ce6e830f9472c63e2c64cad45ee55b Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Guild Hall Updates Core: - Deputy Leaders can now Deposit/Withdraw from Guild Hall ItemBoxes.
  15. commit 68f8ab137d60568ecff97bd3c9d80395e9412847 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Warehouse display issue addressed Core: - Warehouses will now properly display items again.
  16. commit 1d093c4b4030504ff709150518b930746db15948 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Fixed an issue with Mob death Core: - Fixed a NRE with mob death while checking player guild.
  17. commit 1fdd547e38bcfa1a4e06eadf26648cccadb622ca Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Internal changes Attack/Spell: - Fixing a bug reference: #48700
  18. commit f6ffedf171a7ee204172adb5fa7653d0e1a834bb Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Guild Hall additions Core: - ItemBoxes storage inside guild halls now display guild fund as a money (No withdraw/deposit allowed). - ItemBoxes only allows Guild Leaders & Guild DeputyLeaders to withdraw and deposit. - Only Guild Leaders & Guild DeputyLeaders can place boxes inside the Guild Hall. Script/Npc: - FurnitureNpc now teleports players inside the furniture store. - ItemBox implemented (Only usable inside guild halls). - GuildDirector now teleports guild war winners to their own instance of guild hall specific to their guild.
  19. commit d1106fb5189edf60ce0641e89c68914f9f5cf173 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Database updates Core: - Added Instance fields for DbNpc & DbSob so different npcs can be loaded on different instances of maps.
  20. commit be302c6ae2d76c78a70383d1b295f330179b66ff Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> GuildWar Updates *Context: In addition to the previous changes with GW reward, I'm looking into more things to get people interested into playing GW other than the reward, SO I'm reaching into my bag of tricks. Event: - GW winner guild gets an extra 5% gold pick up if they have their exotic pets summoned while hunting. - GW winner guild gets 12.5% extra experience from all sources while leveling, plvling, prof and skill. - GW winner guild gets 12.5% less repair costs for items. - GW winner guild gets 12.5% vendor discounts. - GW winner guild gets an exclusive GuildConductress5. - GW winner guild gets an exclusive guild hall with a shared guild bank accessible through GuildDirector. (Other activities to be added in the future). Script/Npc: - Scroll - Guild Transport5 implemented. - GuildConductor5 implemented. - GuildConductor5 GA implemented. - Guild Director now grants access to Guild Hall.
  21. commit 6d7da680c47502a94d56e0a4681f2fdb0813b9c2 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Exotic Pets Implemented Attack/Spell: - Handling for exotic pet magic spells. Pet: - Killing a MagicBat or MagicBatBoss now kills the owner as well. Script/Npc: - PromotionCenter - MightTaoist: Can now teach Exotic Pets (Skeleton-FireEvil-BloodyBat-MagicBat-MagicBatBoss)
  22. commit 1394ddd8b3a00efc608a0450aeb31abcb44a2609 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Duel issue fix #2 Event: - Dueling Ending method was rewritten.
  23. commit 10e72dca8da25f47eba104bd4453e4677ff9873f Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> GuildWar updates *Context: Looking at current status and the sides available in-game, I've decided to only award the buffed GW reward buff if there's activity and an actual fight, if not the default reward will be given, until there are more equal sides and more fights happening. Also looking into following the same approach with CityWar but that will be in a future update. Event: - GuildWar will award the buffed reward when there's actual activity going on and award the default reward if there isn't any activity.
  24. commit deb14d4a77774c3c3738e24d10878a8b875e8968 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Guild Director updates Script/Npc: - GuildDirector can now remove fealty guilds.
  25. commit 8213b7122b5bdbf978d226431b4498d57ca55dd2 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Duel issue resolved Event: - Teleport on Duel.End issue resolved.
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