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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit 2b19373b79636c20e4be9ea416543fb41d17f70b Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Account VIP activation fixed (again) Script/Item: - Account VIP activation will not try to insert a new record in the database if one already exists.
  2. commit fe4e0b7bd4e7714e1540cd415baf2e6067ac020a Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Fixed an issue with free items Core: - Free items now retain their "free" status.
  3. commit 63f646311d093b42106cbee997496e4e2a35c43c Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Newbie Package & Free (Bound) Gear Core: - Free gear is now automatically levels up until level 100. - Free gear now disappears if PkPoints exceed 50 pkps. - Free gear cannot be traded. - Free gear cannot be dropped. - Free gear cannot be composed. - Free gear can be stored. - Fixed an issue with JarQuest sometimes disappearing on death (thank you fran). Script/Item: - Newbie Packages now awards free gear.
  4. commit 712b3ac4162407598676744e6071717aa2fcb3da Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Mining changes Core: - Mining will no longer drop ores and instead auto sell them with the exception of EuxeniteOre. - Ore auto sales for a 100% sell price for vip and 50% for non vip. - Implemented gold counters to monitor how much gold is being generated by automated ore sales.
  5. commit 8246ef4d75b4ced8d48727be553006ba6f2b7e42 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Issues activating Account wide VIP Script/Item: - Fixed an issue activating account vip while having a character vip running.
  6. commit af4a3e3f91d240c10d39f406a9043f3d93ac93da Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Another internal fix Core: - More logging for AOF.
  7. commit 540e8c497a61ae41e2c8cd76a3fc0d0bb688f10c Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Internal fixes to networking. Core: - Fixed an AOF.
  8. commit 98ef395bd859904457e07ce1f4c3784adb9c08f2 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> UnknownMan updates Script/Npc: - UnknownMan Db leveling experience doubled.
  9. commit ede5960788971d06eb9561b2794801c16efcc84a Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> New internal packets, Upgrade success and fail messages added Core: - MsgRoleSelect implemented. - MsgItem now displays a notification if an upgrade fails or succeeds.
  10. commit 2d81263a4ac8aaf5cd8d30575bafe3b9c836d76e Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> FreeForAll change Event: - FreeForAll event is now hit based rather than kill based, also boosted scores.
  11. commit d677446f44d8c54eee79e237f998d2de2a3e5312 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Packet fixup Core: - MsgString:QueryMate handled. - MsgString:WhisperWindowInfo handled (disabled).
  12. commit e822b928ba226d37ca37bbd959f9fc2fef2c40be Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Instadeath logins. Context: Some players have slow computers/networks the client is sometimes asking the server for gear information too late and exceeds the spawn protection which causes our creature AI to wreck said players instantly. Core: - Added a LoggedIn flag that the creature AI has to respect and only activated after the login sequence is complete.
  13. commit fd9743e65c447a11793c26184ba9d377f71a2511 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Black Tulip fixed. Script/Item: - Fixed a typo that stopped black tulip from tinting items properly.
  14. commit a8adb3f273eb71ae1da2e7c8c8a1257dd6b3f58c Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> PvP Event Changes Script/Item: - Fixed City Scrolls letting players scroll out of events. Event: - PvPEvents rewards are now score based in either case win or lose. - CaptureTheFlag flag pickup range halfed. - Fixed a issue with teleporting out of the events.
  15. commit ad3ea779b99b5670f87f72578426b41efd029667 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Database KOBoard & VirturePoints reset fixes. Core: - Server database will now take into account online players during the reset and not them override the reset values.
  16. commit b3f614d8ee56e50e77288d4580a216cb9ddb77c1 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> PvPEvent reward changes Context: After hearing player feedback, the losing crew get no real rewards even if their score is high, so to address this, rewards will be based on score for losers as well. Event: - PvPEvent losing teams/members now get rewards based on performance.
  17. commit 2399e953817dce36c66e83c730d6910eeba63a87 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Team Shared Experience change Core: - Team Shared Experience will no longer exceed level cap.
  18. commit e32148a32a3d1049ee305dcdc90c5790e0ffbd1c Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Durability changes Core: - Durability deduction rate is now half of what it was.
  19. commit 67b185796e5bcadcbfbb4bc34ee6b3fcfb084432 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> JarQuest changes Script/Npc: - JarQuest now displays the correct time until next reset.
  20. commit 1acda518d6f995759551b512c375560d8d4d9acc Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Demon Exterminator / Monster Hunter changes * Context: In order to bring Jar Quests inline with what they were in TQ, level restrictions were added. Quest: - Jar quest will now be acceptible by players within their level range. -- TwinCity quests has no level requirements. -- PhoenixCastle quests have a level requirement of 27. -- ApeMountain quests have a level requirement of 47. -- DesertCity quests have a level requirement of 67. -- BirdIsland quests have a level requirement of 87.
  21. commit 289a769adc1a4da658b6e4ef0cae99ec551cbcf4 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Discord Integeration Changes Core: - Discord Integeration bot token and command prefix are now dynamically loaded from config.
  22. commit b5cf41ca19ec482068a09bbdf15e9112b69f8f81 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Fixed escape logic with monster GenerateNextLocation Core: - another typo correction.
  23. commit c993e14a1dcf53451b61724ebca6272d06d8b3c0 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Fixed Creature thread issues. Core: - Fixed a typo with escape logic when trying to GenerateNextLocation during escape phase. Script/Npc: - Fixed an issue that caused Moonbox - Maggie to send players to DeathTactic 100% of the time if they had all tokens.
  24. commit acb92f27d943f690a69fb082271ced78195eeb9e Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Viperfang server sided implementation Attack/Spell: - Viperfang sanity checks and validations. - Viperfang initial balancing at 20% less (will be increased later if needed). - Viperfang enabled for all 2h weapoons. Event: - Joining an event will automatically teach Viperfang.
  25. commit 60cc8b990705b949f7bdc65c013e9614b3242184 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> CityWar fixups, Core: - Adding a new HW to whitelist. - Free VIP disabled. Script/Npc: - Moonbox - Maggie now gives an extra 30% chance to teleport the player to DeathTactic if they have all tokens. - More idiot proofing to the StorageNpc (Ok moose 🙂 ). Event: - Fixed an issue with CW EU pole winner not being able to attack that same pole in CW US. - CityWar US timer corrected, should now start correctly before GW. - PvPEvent AntiAfk punishements are now capped to 1 hour max.
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