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  1. Moh


    Welcome, Lewis of Milton Keynes!
  2. Moh


    Administrators Moh Developers Moh xMarlin Omicron Moderators Kiesha Imperium Knevladd Havoc wroekel
  3. The following are the rules, which every member must abide by when using the Forum: 1. Language: * The forum accepts English only as the written/read/media/content language. * Only exception to this rule are Guild Names & Advertisements (relevant advertisements) but you are to provide an English version to set Guild Name and/or Advertisement. 2. Content: * You are not allowed to post topics/replies and/or send private messages (PMs) to ANY member which advertises or solicits any products, services or funds of any kind. * NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with swiftly. This includes not limited to (applies also to signatures, images, advertisements and so on): Nudity, Pornography, Sexual Content (of any kind), Violence, Racism, Drugs, Hate Speech, Profanity and/or other elements that are outside the boundaries of the law. * Satire/Parody of content is allowed to a certain extent but it can be edited or removed at any time by administrators. 3. Privacy: * You are NOT allowed to: a ) Post media of forum users without his/her/their consent. b ) Post any personal information of a forum user. c ) Post any information that might lead to harm or provide negative experience of a forum user. d ) Post topics/replies/private messages which contain media or personal information of a forum user that is not your own. e ) Post any media/information that might harm a certain group of people. This applies but not limited to religion, politics and so on. 4. Usage: * By using the forums you agree to: a ) Post relevant content of interest. b ) Respect the rules of sub-forums (read the rules of set sub-forums). c ) Post content that does not offend or bring harm of any kind. d ) Have an overall respectful nature/attitude. * By using the forums you agree not to: a ) Flame/Insult/Bash any forum user(s) and/or group(s). b ) Advertise other server(s) under any circumstance or form. c ) Advertise of goods/services that are not relevant to the forum. d ) Spam of any kind (topics, replies, private messages, signatures and so on). e ) Post any media content with any harmful message, content or otherwise considered NSFW or illegal. f ) Usage of CAPS that would be considered excessive and/or not necessary. g ) Post replies/media/content/signature of a size that would disrupt the well being of the forums/topics/replies/private messages. 5. Moderation: * By using the forum you accept: a ) Editing or removal of content if set nature is to harm the well being of the forums and/or forum users. b ) Editing or removal topics, replies, private messages if set nature is to harm the well being of the forums and/or forum users. c ) Editing or removal of signature or other media content if set nature is to harm the well being of the forum and/or forum users. * The rules stated above can only be moderated by users with the forum privileges to do so. These rules are here only to keep the well being of the forum and are not to be used in a negative fashion or intention. Important Notes: * By using the forum you automatically accept all the rules stated above. If you have any questions please private message (PM) administrators. * If you are to break any of the rules state above, one or more penalties will be applied depending on severity and previous committed rule breaking. Please note that penalties can apply to multiple forum accounts of set user. * If you disagree with any of the rules stated above, you are to leave the forums as you are not allowed to use this service/media.
  4. Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them, then you may proceed with entering the website. No one from TQDigital, NetDragon associated with TQDigital, NetDragon or any such affiliated company or anyone directed by TQDigital, NetDragon or its related companies is permitted to enter these web sites or view any content contained within these sites at any time what so ever due to controversial reasons. Terms of Service 1. Acceptance of Terms of Service and Amendments: ======================================= Each time you use or cause access to this web site and/or services, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service, and as amended from time to time with or without notice to you. In addition, if you are using a particular service on or through this web site, you will be subject to any rules or guidelines applicable to those services and they shall be incorporated by reference into these Terms of Service. 2. Our Service: =========== Our web site and services provided to you on and through our web site on an AS IS basis. You agree that the owners of this web site exclusively reserve the right and may, at any time and without notice and any liability to you, modify or discontinue this web site and its services or delete the data you provide, whether temporarily or permanently. We shall have no responsibility or liability for the timeliness, deletion, failure to store, inaccuracy, or improper delivery of any data or information. WARNING: YOUR CONNECTION TO ANY SERVER OF PRIMAL CONQUER WILL BE MONITORED! 3. Your Responsibilities and Registration Obligations: ======================================= In order to use this web site or any of our services, you must register on our site, and agree to provide truthful information when requested. When registering, you explicitly agree to our Terms of Use and as may be modified by us from time to time and available here. 4. Registration and Password: ====================== You are responsible to maintain the confidentiality of your password and shall be responsible for all uses via your registration and/or login, whether authorized or unauthorized by you. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use or your registration, user account or password. 5. Fees and Payments: ============== By accepting payments from the User, Primal Conquer reserves the right to provide services to the User without granting the User a privileged use of services. Payments are being made on volunteer basis to support the Site and the Services. Primal Conquer does not oblige any User to donate for the Services and does not assume any financial obligation with respect to payments. 6. Your Conduct: ============ You agree that all information or data of any kind, whether text, software, code, music or sound, photographs or graphics, video or other materials (Content), publicly or privately provided, shall be the sole responsibility of the person providing the Content or the person whose user account is used. You agree that our web site may expose you to Content that may be objectionable or offensive. We shall not be responsible to you in any way for the Content that appears on this web site nor for any error or omission. You explicitly agree, in using this web site or any service provided, that you shall not: a ) Provide any Content or perform any conduct that may be threatening, harmful, abusive, harassing, stalking, torturous, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, offensive, objectionable, pornographic, designed to or does interfere or interrupt this web site or any service provided, infected with a virus or other destructive or deleterious programming routine, give rise to civil or criminal liability, or which may violate an applicable local, national or international law; b ) Impersonate or misrepresent your association with any person or entity, or forge or otherwise seek to conceal or misrepresent the origin of any Content provided by you; c ) Collect or harvest any data about other users, management, or representatives; d ) Provide or use this web site and any Content or service in any commercial manner or in any manner that would involve junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of unauthorized advertising without our prior written consent. 7. Submission of Content on this Web Site: =============================== By providing any Content to our web site: a ) You agree to grant to us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive right and license (including any moral rights or other necessary rights) to use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, perform, promote, archive, translate, and to create derivative works and compilations, in whole or in part. Such license will apply with respect to any form, media, and technology known or later developed; b ) You warrant and represent that you have all legal, moral, and other rights that may be necessary to grant us with the license set forth in this Section 7; you acknowledge and agree that we shall have the right (but not obligation), in our sole discretion, to refuse to publish or to remove or block access to any Content you provide at any time and for any reason, with or without notice. 8. Third Party Services: ================= Goods and services of third parties may be advertised and/or made available on or through this web site. Representations made regarding products and services provided by third parties are governed by the policies and representations made by these third parties. We shall not be liable for or responsible in any manner for any of your dealings or interaction with third parties. 9. Indemnification: ============= You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless, our subsidiaries, affiliates, related parties, officers, directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, advertisers, partners, and co-branders from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorney's fees, that may be made by any third party, that is due to or arising out of your conduct or connection with this web site or service, your provision of Content, your violation of this Terms of Service or any other violation of the rights of another person or party. 10. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: =========================== You understand and agree that your use of this web site and any services or content provided (the service) is made available and provided to you at your own risk. It is provided to you as is and we expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, implied or express, including but not limited to the warranties or merchant-ability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We make no warranty, implied or express, that any part of the service will be uninterrupted, error-free, virus-free, timely, secure, accurate, reliable, of any quality, nor that any content is safe in any manner for download. You understand and agree that neither us nor any participant in the service provides professional advice of any kind and that use of such advice or any other information is solely at your own risk and without our liability of any kind. Some jurisdictions may not allow disclaimers of implied warranties and the above disclaimer may not apply to you only as it relates to implied warranties. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: ====================== You expressly understand and agree that we shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible loss (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from or arising out of: (I) The use of or the inability to use the service, (II) The cost to obtain substitute goods and/or services resulting from any transaction entered into on through the service, (III) Unauthorized access to or alteration of your data transmissions, (IV) Statements or conduct of any third party on the service, or (V) Any other matter relating to the service. Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violation of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board. If you have read, understood and agree to these rules and conditions, you may enter the website/Forums. If you disagree, leave immediately.
  5. Server Rules And Regulations: Type 1: High Level Violation(s)/Offense(s) - These infringements/offenses grant a permanent account ban: I. Threatening and or spreading false or incorrect information about the server or staff. Any statement/action that can negatively influence the well-being of the server will be acted upon swiftly. II. Third-party unauthorized software. Usage of third-party software: a. Bot Programs: Any type of automated software that permits the player to undergo any activity without the player being active; b. Hacks: Any type of "hack" or "software" that permits the player to achieve mechanics that are not normally available; c. Other Software: Any type of third-party software that permits a robotlike/NPClike behavior and permits the player to achieve actions without their input/control. III. Modification/Alteration: Any type of modification within the game that can alter the character(s) and gain an advantage that it cannot be obtained by unaltered means. IV. Scripts. Usage of macros/scripts that skip checks and/or grant an unfair advantage that cannot be achieved under normal circumstances. V Discussion of cheats or exploits. Discussing or sharing cheats, hacks or exploits that can alter/modify the in-game mechanics and/or of the server. VI. Real life currency usage. Usage of real life currency for trading/buying/selling of any form is forbidden. Conquer Points are also part of this restriction. Trading anything outside of the server in any shape or form for in-game items or perks, is considered Real Life trading. VII. Impersonation. Attempting to impersonate ANY of the staff members or emulating/simulating of ANY staff members will not be tolerated under circumstance (this includes jokes, satires, personal gain, situation generation etc). VIII. Advertising. The following adverts are considered illegal: a. Discussion/Sharing/Linking of other private servers; b. External sources that leads towards any type of viruses, scam sites, cheat websites, phishing sites and so on. IX. Money fraud, charge-backs and/or abusing the donation/voting system. X. Account trading. Attempting to buy/sell/trade accounts for any type of currency. XI. Selling/Buying levels for real life currency. Type 2: Medium/Minor Violation(s)/Offense(s) - These infringement(s)/offense(s) grant a minimum X days account ban(s) that increases based of previous violation(s)/offense(s) (duration can increase rapidly): I. Exploiting: a. Any game mechanic or game feature that is not normally intended within the game mechanics. This grants a minimum 7 (seven) day account ban. b. Any item, spell, encounter, collision exploit. These need to be reported to the issue tracker. Failing to meet this grants a minimum 14 (fourteen) day account ban and any item(s) will be removed. c. Clicker programs: The usage of clicker or clicker-like programs is allowed as long as the player is actively controlling their character, However auto-clicking while AFK will result in a progressive account ban starting from 1 day. Note! Exploiting in an extended manner can grant permanent account ban(s). II. Misusing the Event System: a. Away From Keyboard: The action of player(s) being AFK or idle in an event. This leads to a minimum of 1 (Day) day ban. b. Double Queuing: The action of player(s) queuing with more than one character at the same time. c. Win-Trading. The action of player(s) teaming up with other player(s) in order to give away the win to a player. III. Gather Botting: Usage of mining or other types of "gathering" resource bots leads to at least 30 (thirty) day minimum account ban. Note! If a player uses bots in an excessive manner, all goods associated with the bot can lead to multiple account locks. IV. Game Master/Server/Ticket Insulting/Bashing/Spamming is not accepted in any shape or form. It is NOT recommended to bash, insult or spam a Game Master or any staff member, therefore: a. Server Bashing: Spreading rumors and/or messages that will harm the reputation of Primal Conquer as a server and community could grant a minimum of 3 (three) days ban. Duration can increase rapidly b. Game Master Bashing: Hostile or aggressive behavior towards staff grants a minimum 3 (three) days ban. Duration can increase rapidly. c. Ticket bashing: Hostile or aggressive behavior within tickets will result in the ability to create further tickets removed, and might result in a minimum 1 (one) day ban. Duration can increase rapidly. d. Ticket spamming: Spamming/Creating multiple tickets without any viable reason will result in the ability to create further tickets removed, and might grant a minimum 1 (one) day ban. Duration can increase rapidly V. Events. The action of trading wins in events grants a minimum 1 (One) day account ban and all rewards (item(s), experience(s) etc.) will be removed. VI. Harassing via multiple characters. Intentionally logging or creating new characters in order to harass another player that previously blocked communication (ignored) will grant a minimum 3 (three) days ban. This includes harassing via mail or public channels. VII. Mute Avoidance. Intentionally avoiding a mute by any means will grant a minimum 1 (one) day ban. VIII. Inappropriate Character Names: Creating and/or Using characters with names that contain racial or antisemitic slurs/messages will render the character banned and forced to change the name. Repeated offenses will result in a permanent ban. a. If staff determines that a name is offensive, Punishments will be applied as necessary. Type 3: Mutes/Bans - These Violation(s)/Offense(s) grant a X amount of mutes in minutes. The amount of minutes granted for each repeated mute doubles: Note! Channels that are considered official, monitored are as it follows: World I. World have the following intended purpose(s) and failing to meet these will grant one or more mutes: a. World. The usage of the World channel includes the purpose of buying and selling; b. World. The usage of the World channel includes the purpose of recruitment. This includes Guild, Team, PvP/PvE activities; c. World. This is a channel that is generally used for general talking and discussion purposes. However, if the channel is misused or the topic(s) are becoming out of control and influence the channel severely in a negative fashion, a mute will be dealt. (Duration may vary depending on severity); II. The following are considered violation(s)/offense(s) in World and will grant one or more mutes: a. Non-English. Usage of a different language than English in World; b. Insulting or vulgar/sexual themes. Purposely insulting player(s) or usage of vulgar/sexual themes in a repeated fashion; c. Capsing. Abnormal usage of sentences with capital letters; d. Spamming. Spamming messages and/or emotes in a repeated fashion; e. Macros. Using more than three lines of macro that would otherwise cover the whole normal-sized chat window(s); f. Spam Macros. Usage of macros that creates certain images (regardless of context); g. Posting NSFW links/websites. This includes, but is not limited to controversial content such as pornographic or graphical websites; h. Political, Religious, Racism, Discrimination, Flaming, Harassment, Promoting self-harm or other taboo subjects. Discussing politics and religion or other controversial subjects is okay as long as there is no conflict or bashing generated as a result of these topics. i. Trash-Talking: Trash-Talking player(s) with the usage of vulgar or offensive terms. III. Do not share personal or private information about yourself or others that could be used against you and or others, Your information is your own to protect, We advise everyone to keep their IRL affairs private. Public Towns I. In Talk chat we allow trash-talking. As a result of this, we advise players to use the blacklist feature if they do not want to see another player's messages. a. Religious, Racist or Antisemitic discrimination is NOT allowed in Talk. Doxxing I. Doxxing: Intentionally searching for and/or publishing any private identifying information about a player without their consent. This will result in Mute or Ban (Duration will vary depending on severity). FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: "I think the punishment was unjustified. What should I do?" A: "You can request that another Moderator should look at it. However, if that Moderator comes to the same conclusion, then the verdict is final." Q: "A player was toxic/harassing me in whispers. What should I do?" A: "PrimalCO staff do not moderate whispers. Therefore, we advise players to use the blacklist feature if they do not want to see another player's messages. If you have any questions regarding the blacklist, you can ask a Moderator for help." Q: "I just got account locked and my ban duration is five days or less, what should I do?" A: "We have reviewed the way we handle bans that are five days or less. We recommend writing a ban appeal, you can find the proper section in the Administration category. In case a player shows consent/regret/awareness of what he/she did, then your ban might be instantly removed, under the condition this or other offenses will not repeat." Q: "I am sharing my account, is that okay?" A: "We do not recommend sharing your account at all (forbidden for those that transferred using the transfer system), due to the risks involving around it and for the security of your characters and account. It is best to keep your login information for yourself." Q: "I lost items/gold or my character, can you help me?" A: "Sadly, no. We do not offer help for shared accounts. Your account is your responsibility and if anything negative comes towards it, we will not offer support." Q: "My account password has been changed without my permission, can you help?" A: "It is very limited with what we can help. Open a ticket." Q: "I want to report a player, how can I do it?" A. "Please visit our Discord and find the #Create-Ticket section to report a player." Q: "I sent/traded/dropped an item/gold to another player, what can I do?" , can you help me?" A: "We do not help with mistakes, sorry. Q: "Will the rules ever change?" A: "Rules can change if new situations or issues come up. It is best to check the rules frequently in case new rules are added or edited. Remember, stay safe and do not break the rules." Rules updated as of October 6th, 2023. Primal Conquer Team
  6. 1. No spamming, advertising other servers, not safe for work photos etc. Don't be rude and annoying. We want to keep the atmosphere positive. We're not against trolling but don't make it all you do on this server 2. No harassment, racism, discrimination, insensitive commenting, flaming, and personal attacks will be tolerated. Opinion and criticism is welcomed, but toxic behavior is not. You will be banned immediately without a warning. 3. No sharing of personal or private information about others, and malicious attacks. You will be banned immediately without a warning. 4. Do not promote self-harm, suicide in any form (including kys memes). You will be banned from the server without a warning. 5. Do not spread false or incorrect information about the server or staff. 6. Questions should be asked in a clear way, not "will this work" and "it doesn't work" aren't sufficient. Explain in detail the problems you're having, the steps you took to resolve/attempt to fix them etc. ᅠ 7. Do not mention or direct message staff members with roles, without asking for permission first. Anyone can answer your question, even if you haven't spoken to them before. 8. Your Discord nickname must not be offensive, and as well your "Playing" status must be appropriate. 9. We ask you that you use a nickname that's mention-able or with some sort of name we can call you. If your nickname on the server is similar to a staff member's name then you will be asked to change it, if you don't change you will be kicked from the server. 10. Bots aren't allowed on this server unless approved by an administrator and serve a specific purpose. We don't accept user bots. You can test your bots on your own Discord Server. 11. Follow all staff members instructions that are given to you, if you're told to stop doing something, stop it. 12. Do not impersonate any members of the staff. All members of the staff have a hoisted role. You will be banned immediately without a warning. 13. Being on this server is a privilege which can be lost at anytime, not a right to which you are entitled. Remember this in your interactions with other people.
  7. Moh


    Damn you!
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