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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit c642f3d6d5b41361b16b1e6db0118282feec1858 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with equipment breaking not updating player stats. Bot: - Fixed an issue with equipment generation. - Fixed some issues with identity generation. - Increased cooldown on market bots vend to 3 seconds.
  2. commit 2553d2d13f4e74713e8bf67636a46a48e3a5b385 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creature: - Restored Second Reborn Bosses to their original stats.
  3. commit ec2ee0d4af89f522931754def0a3a420db562b42 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Cmd: - More discord commands.
  4. commit aaee3374cc04a956c0f42adef5c4c761fc6254d8 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Added a way to dynamically control dropping laggy clients (only used when there's a network instability).
  5. commit 05acb77ca270b6d2391d0e473e68c8477f90b805 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Bot: - Powerleveling requests will always look for Bots in BI.
  6. commit 2304825a45433c8bca172aaefc865317e8923423 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Bot: - Added a vending cooldown to market bots. Creature: - Bosses are back with a 6 hour respawn time. Cmd: - More admin commands.
  7. commit 816fd438d831fa73203a586dcdeef387044faa13 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> CMD: - More admin commands.
  8. commit 2f256343363efd3af885a3064bdce80f2a7e598b Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue where character deletions would sometimes clear daily reward hardware records. Bot: - Fixed an issue with market bots.
  9. commit 2b32d04abe7cfa14a7a0585a7393b30236789782 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Sob: - Fixed an issue with Sob's max life that stopped them from taking damage.
  10. commit 84771aa2787ffc1f1b19edecfa47451f5403577b Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Bot: - Bots will now have proper names, avatars and genders. - Bots will now have proper gear. - Improved hunting bots. - Implemented market bots. Cmd: - More admin commands.
  11. commit 38ebf9ff48a341dd640de5eaa89b2e4757d835ef Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Selector improvements and extentions. - Fixed an issue with DiscordBot not forwarding worldchat message from my discord user. Creature: - Fixed a typo with passive gold message. - Capped max damage dealt to creatures to 600 times it's max life (not sure why I disabled this in the first place). Item: - Adjustments to Item Quality upgrade formula. Npc: - Removed VirtuePoints reward from Voting rewards.
  12. commit f650b9792b3128399cd4851269932ba94f6f1354 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Npc: - Another update to DB spammer.
  13. commit f54b19e941bb26f79f9f15697d3f60d2be514825 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Npc: - Updates to DB spammer.
  14. commit f3d7d52ecf55958b71101e4c5ea435e25e019d8d Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creature: - Bosses will now hit flying archers. Bot: - Powerleveling bots will no longer target bosses. 🙂
  15. commit c4984e4dfeab4ada2885c5b328afaec386c0d30e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Event: - CaptureTheFlag was added to PvP rotation.
  16. commit cb6739169cc0fb8ade6d96cbab9ceaf19b74dd6e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creature: - Fixed an issue that caused bosses to suicide :). - Buffed Boss on-hit gold. - Reduced boss damage. Event: - CaptureTheFlag added to hourly PvP rotation. - Enabled hardware checks for CaptureTheFlag event.
  17. commit 00049bb917e7a26d6de0caad8365fdc4f19b158d Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Extentions to Point class. -- Packets: -- MsgFuse offloaded to it's own script. Creature: - Fixed respawn timing issues that came up with the last revision. - Tweaked gold awarded by bosses on-hit. - Tweaked drops awarded by bosses. Item: - Improvements to item logging. - Fixed an issue with DailyLoginReward script that caused inventories to flash even if there was nothing received. Npc: - Fixed issues with Red & Blue CTF Npcs. Event: - Improvements to PvPEvent & EventTeam base classes to better use LINQ. - Fixed an issue with CaptureTheFlag member collection losing records of players. Misc: - Solution wide code cleanups and reference optimizations.
  18. In celebration of 4th of July, We're increasing +1 rates by 50% for 24 hours.
  19. commit f54b19e941bb26f79f9f15697d3f60d2be514825 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Npc: - Updates to DB spammer.
  20. commit f3d7d52ecf55958b71101e4c5ea435e25e019d8d Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creature: - Bosses will now hit flying archers. Bot: - Powerleveling bots will no longer target bosses. 🙂
  21. commit c4984e4dfeab4ada2885c5b328afaec386c0d30e (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Event: - CaptureTheFlag was added to PvP rotation.
  22. commit cb6739169cc0fb8ade6d96cbab9ceaf19b74dd6e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creature: - Fixed an issue that caused bosses to suicide :). - Buffed Boss on-hit gold. - Reduced boss damage. Event: - CaptureTheFlag added to hourly PvP rotation. - Enabled hardware checks for CaptureTheFlag event.
  23. commit 00049bb917e7a26d6de0caad8365fdc4f19b158d Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Extentions to Point class. -- Packets: -- MsgFuse offloaded to it's own script. Creature: - Fixed respawn timing issues that came up with the last revision. - Tweaked gold awarded by bosses on-hit. - Tweaked drops awarded by bosses. Item: - Improvements to item logging. - Fixed an issue with DailyLoginReward script that caused inventories to flash even if there was nothing received. Npc: - Fixed issues with Red & Blue CTF Npcs. Event: - Improvements to PvPEvent & EventTeam base classes to better use LINQ. - Fixed an issue with CaptureTheFlag member collection losing records of players. Misc: - Solution wide code cleanups and reference optimizations.
  24. commit 73539029f1199f5767e440c194e64bd04e61d7aa Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Improvements and optimizations to scripting engine. - Improvements to Selector. - Vision class extensions. - Extensions to NPC class to support CaptureTheFlag functionality. Creature: - Boss class extensions. - 3 additional bosses added to spawn at xx:15, xx:45 and xx:55. Event: - Capture the flag implemented. - Improvements to the Event system. Item: - PKAmulets implemented with restrictions. CMD: - More admin commands.
  25. commit 88a067bdd6907c6859100babe500bb46cb54a503 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> CMD: - Fixed a discord command sedat has fucked.
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