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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit 5c6304be0b803e05a5a6e8bdbb20a6deef0ce1cc Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Reverted to the old Packet Thread, the new one was over kill. - DiscordBot updates. - Disabled FloodProtection for the time being. - Fixed an issue with trading.
  2. commit 34bfbee5452ca9d6ca9a98dbde512a17e43c8160 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> NPC: - Market - CloudSaint: Jar quest cooldown timers added to dialogue. - CityCaptains Jar quest cooldown timers added to dialogue.
  3. commit 1ef56dec4ad3cf6a1014fb1a7b3370ffeb5d266b Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates to Logon Server. Attack/Spell: - Fixed a visual issue with SuperGem effects not updating properly when an item was un-equipped/replaced.
  4. commit fac2b2746f699ae5df8042b6c2900f87fdd70e93 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Completing low level Jar quests also awards 20k gold to newbies. - Fixed an issue with Jar quest that caused it to never assign TC as target quest mobs. - Fixed an issue with Jar counter. - New character creation now awards 10k gold as startup. Item: - Item sell price brought back up to 30% of total cost. NPC: - Updated Captain NPCs to match the changes above.
  5. commit ace27d536d49466485ad400d923384d9edf9dd93 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with Tasks. - Jar quest functionality implemented. - Kernel helper methods. NPC: - Implemented Market - CloudSaint. - Implemented Jar quest functionality for CityCaptains. - Added CW Lockout timers to CityCaptains.
  6. commit 7e5297227e2b7e890ce62ccd46b68c5094dc398d Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creature: - Fixed an issue with some mobs getting stuck between life and death.
  7. commit fe694b5e76d13d02ba1b9e65945ffd42ac50f62e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Brute and Flood Protections will now cut players more slack. - Implemented ways for monitoring who's blocked.
  8. commit f83d9f5c8fc16e0dd2e2542dccdb8c8c241b438e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creature: - Disabled recycling for Ids until another problem is fixed. Bot: - Shortened the range at which bots position themselves.
  9. commit 144f51dd84399b8e0e15572be4624691e091bb06 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Creature will now recycle Ids on death/respawn. Attack/Spell: - Fixed an issue with Pervade not being canceled on ChangeAction. Creature: - Recycle method written. - Simulations of Creature Death used for testing implemented.
  10. commit 24afef15ee7078b2fa1f59ac9ac975818de3f234 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with Maximum durability and Maximum durability repair cost. - Kernel creature collision updates. NPC: - BirthVillage - Old General Yang now awards a random weapon and teaches it's weapon skill. - Market - GodlyArtisan now handles max dura repair properly.
  11. commit e0de0cc9338bb73cbc477e4e581edf0979052bf9 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Improvements to the maintenance system. Attack/Spell: - Fixed a tiny issue that allowed players to retain an instance of their target if it goes offline.
  12. commit 3e5f93762fff9634b0ff3177a83b1e45cfe7ed3a Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with ranking reset. Event: - Fixed an issue with Weekly/Monthly PK tournaments giving the old rewards.
  13. Happy 4th of July everyone! We'll celebrate this by raising the following rates for a duration of 24 hours: - +1 rates increased by 50% - Meteor rates increased by 50% - Socket rates increased by 50%
  14. commit 4c53c3d9f35d64db0bfb12dcfbfbafb0a22432cb Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue that caused creatures/companions to stop their AI cycle when having an aura cast on them. Creatures: - Creatures will now lose all auras upon death. - Server should no longer attempt to spawn a new AncientDevil when there's one already in the creature collection. Companions: - Companions will now lose all auras upon death. - Companions now have aura timers. Attack/Spell: - Fixed an issue that allowed a window for a heal during the death process which causes a glitch. NPC: - Allowed tinter to tint coats. CMD: - Added new discord commands.
  15. commit 7f84d5dc2322f6558bd8aa27eb8d6c8d0bd98098 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Attack/Spell: - Fixed an issue that allowed archers to attack from a higher range than possible. Creature: - Fixed an issue with monsters attacking invisible players with invisibility in a stack. NPC: - MysticMerchant price updates.
  16. commit 6197665cdcedc836a963db42e80c26d8371c8f19 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with range calculation. - Selling items to vendors will yield back 10% of its buyout price. Creature: - Fixed an issue with SnakeKing not being able to attack properly.
  17. commit d04a3a3aeddfd544fa27a8bd9da4f679b1868bb8 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with passive gold regen.
  18. commit eb6de1526d37143ca46092e04a3edab1e10facb8 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with not being able to trade due to NPC interactions. - Selling items to NPCs has been disabled for the time being. - Passive gold pick up reduced.
  19. commit 8013c6174f30c4e6a55178679dffecc134ef3be9 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed a sanity check preventing trades after talking to warehouseman.
  20. commit 915842a3149cb027ac7d8fcd7eaa948de747c7ad Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates to MsgMapItem. - Armor Garments were added to the Cosmetic Lottery.
  21. commit ef18646209b3fde171f4522e300e494d50ffed42 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Kernel DMap validation now adds an extra 1x1 tiles around NPCs and marks them invalid for creature movement and item drops. - Updates and fixes the KOBoard system and now should properly handle disconnected/crashed players. - Fixed an issue with trading that was caused by an un-intended interaction. - Rewritten all sanity checks for MsgItem and MsgTrade. - Trading disabled during NPC interaction. - NPC interaction disabled during trading. - NetworkThreading improved. Events: - PvPEvents will now happen every hour at xx:00 instead of every 15 minutes. - PvPEvents rewards buffed. Creature: - Lab bosses now inherit their correct settings. NPC: - Market - MysticMerchant: Corrected an issue that stopped VirtuePoints being usable as a currency for bonus rates. - ApeCity - SpaceMark #2: Corrected given scroll. - ApeCity - SpaceMark #3: Corrected given scroll.
  22. commit e455a07aa9f9e3c7c0b331e8e56ea253f53092d4 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with creature thread. - Fixed an issue with XP spells activation rate. NPC: - Fixed an issue with MysticMerchant.
  23. commit ca6fbf31173986f1f48dfa426afcb573e1f31922 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Logon server didn't want to boot after a nuget package upgrade for Newtonsoft.Json library. - Implemented Log4Net on the logon server to be able to track the issue above.
  24. commit 73dac1b19dc9893d388157864ab127931abef4b9 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Improvements to DiscordBot, can now be used to search primals website, wiki and forums as well as google and bing to search for things. - Improvements to Creature Thread. Creature: - Creatures should be far more responsive now.
  25. commit 13d42127fae1e5fde2b71f78f8f644b85af43d72 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Client Repository cleanups. - Fixed an issue with enchanting items that are not of the correct type (armor garments).
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