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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit 091de85c6d7e7c0dca76dc022546bd8c0f725332 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixup to DropGold method.
  2. In light of recent events and our core changes that caused some latency issues, We've already resolved the issue and we'll continue to monitor things and make sure it is as smooth as possible. And to compensate for the trouble, We've decided to increase the following rates: - Sunday 26th 2x DBs 2x +1s. - Monday 27th 2x Mets 1.5x Socket We're sorry for the inconvenience and the abrupt maintenance at night.
  3. commit 4460c05eb5e6c7bade6c99959738ec37a5ff1f21 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed another typo I left during testing that stopped PKPoints from being awarded. Attack/Spell: - Fixed an issue that stopped scatter from targetting flying players. Event: - City War Poles now have DMap validation client and server sided behind them.
  4. commit 611c96fa612e1cdb61550e16fa22f467af97b581 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Hash updates. - Socket layer optimizations. - DMap checks fixed up. - Items will no longer drop in invalid locations upon monsterkill / death / drop. - Kernel updates with improved DMap check methods. - Creature initial loading and spawning improved. - Redone VIP announcements after the changes. - ItemThread offloaded from dropping items. - WorldClient class improvements and pattern fixups. - DropItem method written. - DropSilver method written. - Changes to MsgItem to use the new methods. - Improvements to Space/Area classes. - DMap class cleanups. Event: - PvP events will now ignore and disqualify players that have a duel active. Creature: - Adapted Creatures to use the new DMap checks. Companion: - Pet movement has been rewritten and improved. - Pet movement now respects DMap flags and checks. Cmd: - More admin commands.
  5. commit 26acf4e95444c3599476989264d134f49be61e03 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - More updates to Logon Server.
  6. commit 4dfad9e0b9887fc763d47d7797de73c9259d511f Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with revive.
  7. commit 3379bbee4c4f2f82ad3eb9252d6bec3082d3f1d4 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Security updates. - Improved LogonServer settings loading. - Fixed an issue that allowed spouses to attack eachother on TeamMode (Thanks ReSharper). - Fixed an issue that caused WaterTao halos not to display properly. Events: - Fixed a possible NRE in ClassPK event.
  8. commit 715b84a0bc4128f9efdeaf56d1ebf555610e370c Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates to DiscordBot. - Improved GetTank and GetSpellTarget methods. - Logon Handler improvements. - Improved OnMove method. - Fixed a possible issue with reviving. Attack/Spell: - Spell Stacking/Ghost stackinng rewritten to match that of retail. - Improvements to MagicHandler.
  9. commit 41fca35b71f5cb711adf996afa6f917c2d94ee6b Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Blacklist option enabled for players using /blacklist show /blacklist add name /blacklist del name - Fixed a problem that caused slow loading - Discord bot command update. - SpellStacking updated to not include companions. - Vision class updated and NRE fixed. CMD: - More admin commands
  10. commit 7d40eec2f85d2c0dc3a71f72c84040b86c653908 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Config updates. - Modifications to LogonServer ref #029188
  11. commit c55524102d30c87117455d56fae21aa4f0c64aa1 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Config updates. Misc: - Code cleanups.
  12. commit a4dc5ae38caa8627d91d4ca60f93f37874c79fdf Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Item: - Tiny fix to PK Amulets
  13. commit 355733ca2f3054a6ef73b79aa13721b9137c0c28 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Item: - PK Amulets implemented with limitations such as (Cannot be used on SpawnProtection/Login/BlueName)
  14. commit db3f73c9d0f649f5f9d77914b1057dfc91488a7e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> SOB: - Fixed an issue that caused SOBs not to display Life values on revive in TG.
  15. commit b896ad07c36c2065c4fff60c5e9572a8815b5cc0 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Repository: - Corrections to .gitignore.
  16. After City War/DisCity today we will be taking the server down to push some updates and fix some issues and with it will come mandatory client update #55, Please refer to patch notes for more information.
  17. Server maintenance concluded, We're sorry about the delay, We've managed a work around to help Egyptian players connect to the server and updated the server.
  18. commit 70105dfb29722ccdd0edb68f960756850b604093 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Improvements to DiscordBot, will no longer be dead forever if discord goes down. - Fixed various issues with minerals. - Proper spell stacking and correct target when attacking a stack 1/2. - Ghost Stacking 2/2 (Needs testing). - Potion boxes are no longer included in drops in a FreePK map. Attack/Spell: - SuperMan no longer grants 10x damage on SOBs, instead it will be 2x. Events: - Whack-a-Mole. CMD: - More admin commands.
  19. commit fcafc42cd497c223d27cf172ee860311f00de8f5 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Improvements to LogonServer. - Fixed an issue where QueuedTasks would presist after death. Creature: - Ancient Devil timer set to 60 hours instead of 48. - Fixed an issue with Syrens not dying and despawning properly. CMD: - More admin commands. - More mod commands.
  20. commit 6cbbca5a253eacdc5c5337e50c3dc072146f1427 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixups to LogonServer configs.
  21. commit a29a47fce767f65a8ce9ebe7fb61e3f5e1b41561 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Item: - Xmas quests disabled.
  22. commit 65c65a994aac2f68e73e1c993c3969c46dffea63 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Dynamic EndPoint configuration for Logon Server. - ScriptingEngine upgraded and improved and now able to compile C# 6 code. - Discord ScriptingEngine implemented. - Discord Bot adapted to use the ScriptingEngine to support dynamic modifications on runtime. - Improved logging. Attack/Spell: - Implemented DelayMS for delayed spells. Item: - Improved the way item stats are loaded. Creature: - Fixed a tiny issue with DisCity Syrens being stuck between life and death. Event: - Xmas disabled. - DisCity improvements. CMD: - More admin commands. - More mod commands. - More discord commands. Misc: - Code Cleanups & optimizations.
  23. commit fea4ded098e4b415f048da7993d01133c1704a2c Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Event: - Fixed an issue with Xmas quest items not being highlighted by the VIP system. - Updated some Xmas quest item descriptions and names on both ends (Client & Server). - Updated some Xmas NPC names and locations.
  24. commit ea67d0bbbc5cb0ac9009b77fe76900157864d5fd Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Improvements to MsgAccount. - GroundItems dropped by Bosses will no longer have an owner for 20 seconds. - Corrected an issue with visual effects on VIP item drop. - Improved the way random locations are generated for presents spawn. - Tasks extensions. Attack/Spell: - Dodge calculations improved (Not fully finished). Creature: - Improved Boss AI again. - BugsBunny & LolaBunny encounter. Item: - Corrected an issue with MysticBox announcing the reward twice. - Xmas - CandyBackpack enabled. - Xmas - CandyBag enabled. - Xmas - CandyMiniBag enabled. - Xmas - XmasCandy enabled. - Xmas - XmasGift enabled. - Xmas - XmasGum enabled. - Xmas - XmasPresent enabled. - Xmas - XmasPurse enabled. NPC: - Xmas - CandyMan enabled. - Xmas - SantaClaus enabled. - Xmas - Mrs.Claus enabled. Event: - Xmas Event Enabled. - Xmas Event Improved. - DisCity rewritten and improved and now works as it's 1.0 state. - AncientDevil event rewritten, Now has a 72 hours cooldown and drops a MysticBox on top of the current drops. - AncientDevil now sends a message displaying cooldown. CMD: - More admin commands.
  25. commit 64da7d18d7019b7689a549715c6dd15b5d73a2cc Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates to Hub. Events: - CityWars now eject players out of the CW maps after it ends.
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