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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit 0b571759dfa4897df04cde88706ac0608d6619f8 Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Creature/Guard AI Improvements Creature: - Guard AI improved and can now utilize AStar to find valid paths. - Creature AI improved and can now utilize AStar to find valid paths.
  2. commit c832be3d2ae3a4b1524def8ba09710a8ffc0b07f Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Read Me. Solution: - Updated readme file.
  3. commit 27b40b7aa1ab6c481cab0dfdb25295611f529e5c Author: Yupmoh <[email protected]> Core: - Guilds rewritten, not final yet. Creature: - Fixed an issue with bosses being healable. Event: - Events are now every 30 minutes. Cmd: - Fixed an issue with a discord command.
  4. commit 928c32c4a605e70c462c07e0987002e48bcd7cd1 (origin/legacy) Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Guilds rewritten, not final yet. Creature: - Fixed an issue with bosses being healable. Event: - Events are now every 30 minutes. Cmd: - Fixed an issue with a discord command.
  5. commit 63d8fb674d9d7be88ce52eaf440b63f485a8245b Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Fixups to Kernel and DMap Systems.
  6. commit ec3f4019f85e7fac45dfaa84026360a9c255a19c Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Updated monitor tool and extended it to mods. Event: - Disabled Xmas event.
  7. A permanent fix has been released for the flash end of life issue, please download patch 79 and 80.
  8. commit 6219ba468e7b4a0ef51a21b375b828b8e261d0c1 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Attack/Spell: - Fixed DMap flags upon Collide. Creature: - Bugs & Lola bunny weakened. Event: - Fixed an issue with Santa dying and not coming back to life with new invasions. Cmd: - Admin command to compensate for VIP.
  9. commit afc8800375ee4e56aad753370cf41f59b69c1d39 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Furniture implemented. - Path finding for creatures, Partially enabled. Creature: - Bosses can now utilize AStar to obtain a path to the target entity or location. - Implemented AI State Pathing. NPC: - SantaClaus is now an attackable entity, can be targeted by bosses. Event: - Xmas Event enabled. Cmd: - Admin commands.
  10. commit 4ff9a22f05e547b12dc4da61109f894e69a413c7 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Date: +0200 Attack/Spell: - Fixups to Collide sort.
  11. commit d9e9d47dfb5318913901846b36d1ea55cb874ccf Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Corrections to MsgAction Jumping wasn't always setting the correct direction. - Corrections to MsgInteract and decryption that stopped Dash spell from being decrypted properly. - MsgMagicEffect will now be able to support larger amounts of targets. Attack/Spell: - Dash enabled, lets hope it continues to decrypt properly. - Removed target cap from spells.
  12. commit 59e153a6b0c9931375fb1e2e104bab00c08a6ecc Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Each map now has an instance of a AStar Solver. - DiscordBot improvements. Creature: - Kings now inherit the escape mechanic.
  13. commit 2e29f3c7ac7a6eec8a92166276b898c0a24dc052 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed a visual glitch that happened when an item was traded and composed at the same time. - Improved compose logging.
  14. commit 91bfd2a67bcbbf272df3a0b4791c6a88adb19776 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Misc: - Updates to NHibernate package.
  15. commit 3a11886faa977562db6fe0d322aa317778dfbc99 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Attack/Spell: - Fixed a typo that disabled blue name flags when attacking patrols/guards Event: - ThanksGiving event ended.
  16. Hello everyone and merry Christmas, aside from the small hiccup earlier today due to a malicious user deciding to DDoS us, we've decided to continue with our initial plan and celebrate Christmas. The event contains numerous activities to be done and will include things never seen before, the event will take place for 4 days and you may start the journey by talking to Santa Claus (447, 372). In addition to that we will also boost the following rates by 50%: - Meteor. - +1 items. There will also be an invasion and an attack on Santa Claus, if defended and he survived socket rates will be boosted until the next invasion. Have fun and good luck everyone! Moh
  17. The Primal Conquer team wishes you all a happy Thanks Giving, As usual we'll be celebrating this special time with our own custom event. - The event runs From Thursday 2:30 PM Until Sunday 12:00 AM (UTC). - To start the event head over to Sean in TwinCity (426, 334) to begin the quest/story line. In addition to this we've boosted the following rates: - Mets by 50% - Sockets by 50% We wish you all a happy ThanksGiving!
  18. commit 69f21937e858c9b7f9d1f4e34512f2023b87dd10 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed a few issues with discord bot and database calls. - Updated Account Repository. - Updated Client Repository. - Updates to Server Database class. - Fixed a tiny issue that stopped Warden from saving full logs to the database. - Extensions to Tasks. Attack/Spell: - DecLife calculation was moved to Calculation class. Creature: - Improved boss AI even further. - Bosses should now be fully removed from the world when dead. - Bosses now will award gold per hit. NPC: - ThanksGiving celebration event npcs were revisted. Item: - Fixed a tiny typo that allowed Experience Pots to stack. - ThanksGiving celebration event items were revisted. Event: - ThanksGiving celebration event enabled. CMD: - Admin commands. - Mod commands.
  19. commit a745350745bab470a4ce755ebb1969cb747be6b2 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Reverted Selection Screen manipulation change until a solution is found.
  20. commit fa0457340fd7cdc4a0855f33a613f74c24927720 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Attempting to fix a random crash after logging in.
  21. commit cceaf2089cf6377a72202b4ed4a243a3c11df310 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Removing the account conversion since it's no longer needed.
  22. commit 7c43da6f593525b3675925b93572fe79e31152f2 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Logs were somehow untracked from the repo.
  23. commit b2cf97b0a91d1a1f4ae31a4c3bbce210744ca036 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Selector database loading improved. - Fixed an issue where a character would be unlinked from it's account. - Updated scripts to reflect the changes made to the database and selector. - Updates to Logon Server login validation. - MsgRegister updated.
  24. commit 03449c531146e0c8f0acb96b7de242c43b4bee70 Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue with selection screen.
  25. commit 0eaeb70acd182fb6c0cc5e2846424ef98e43975d Author: [email protected] <[email protected]> Bot: - Fixed an issue with AIBots, disposing and then trying to send despawn.
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