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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit d58af792d2a0a52217b1f42a4376410cbb71477a Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Selector 90% done. - Fixed a bug with market stalls (Carpets) thanks marlin. - Restored Constants file before Marlin's update. - Double disconnects issue fixed.
  2. commit dbd83d01d9bbb268a3c439a8a59727c412cba144 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Repo fix, thanks xMarlin.
  3. commit 8d5d0eac604b72b22fad7f2a53823e988ea8e85b Author: xMarlin <[email protected]> - Guild Conducators Added to mysql + Scripts - Added /scroll to Commands - BoxerZhao Added to Birdisland
  4. commit 65ea2cf0444d23f21090b52d73fa70d1e23adc1b Author: Moh <[email protected]> - TinyMaps updated. - Another quick update to the assemblies. - Fixed a bug with direct auto attacks and target taking damage. - Improved creature vision. - Creatures now can see and attack guards. - Maxed out Cyclone/SuperMan timers to cap at 2 minutes. - Scripts fixups (3/5/7 Days Praying Stone / Double Exp Pot / NinjaAmulet). - Guild Director fixup. - SurgeonMiracle fixup. - Transformation spells. - Reborn Attributes. - Attack System fixup. - SOBs. - MsgGemEmbed. - MsgItemInfoExamine. - MsgNpcInfoExamine. - Market Booths. - Solution wide cleanup and optimizations.
  5. commit b70afc3c4e3800c616f714386ee42cac3aace748 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Improved Mob AI. Smart as hell now. - Proper die method. - Proper flag update on pk point change. - added teams, guilds, friends to excluded targets on team pk mode. - Associates redone. - Code cleanup.
  6. commit d5a256bcef0d98528ccb8efa75b8bf235ab6684f Author: Moh <[email protected]> - ThreadSafe counter utilized (for almost everything), No more while loops. - Logon Tokens implemented to secure logging attempts and check for UID manipulation. - Special Item Drops. - Friends & Enemies (Not as clean as I would've hoped. will optimize later). - New SQL file for world server. - Updated world server SQL file.
  7. commit db922960bedd079f911ef43bd0c94104c5a28e55 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Trade. - Guilds. - Trade & Guild Packets. - Double logging fixed. - Attack system fix up. - Passive skills. - Some Item scripts. - Item dropping issue fixed.
  8. commit 5a0b4d837bd863ba5290349c0a3ca9a791bd48e4 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Teams and team interactions. - Loot Pickup. - Bug fixups and performance improvements.
  9. commit 9b8c8caf7d2fb98707efbbb4f95046f91350e8cb Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Market - Weapon Master - Market - Magic Artisan. - Twin City - Meteor & DB Upgrade. - Distribute Stats packet.
  10. commit 841be8053cef895c871fc80bd4ff724f67f5919b Author: xMarlin <[email protected]> - Another Quick Update - @Moh Check Out the Mr Leisure NPC
  11. commit d0fd806589f67dbc83905111337f561e5ce945ff Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Another internal update.
  12. commit 4c5824fe93a74874ab42e8a821628120541b711e Author: xMarlin <[email protected]> - Some NPCs added.
  13. commit 26e4d797ac65559e8bb7fc2f3c9fdc82286de77f Author: xMarlin <[email protected]> - WorldClient Class Modified - Constants Class Added some ITEMS ID - Added namespaces DropHandler , ServerDatabase, items - Some Npcs added
  14. commit c42cc3067bd5a4b2c21bd6bf6e358d9d878c5111 Author: xMarlin <[email protected]> - Item Scripts. - Added GetByID to ItemTypeRepository class. - Spells now save when learned.
  15. commit 78ad052a3d908115d1a70a9589897623a4a48f55 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Internal updates, Nothing to be posted publicly.
  16. commit 11cbb41a0caa1bd67cac28ceaf39c9c4ef92c7c0 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Internal updates, Nothing to be posted publicly.
  17. commit be9e0ce8578b5702d91788281f52788ecf574498 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Urgent commit, Will add notes at a later time.
  18. commit 96af8c44991eee1bb7f5c4c201b6e369cbce8bf4 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Another PrimalDB.sql - DMap extraction set to OFF. - PrimalDB.sql - WorldConfig.xml updated. - Scripting Engine for NPCs, Items and Cmds implemented. - ObjectExtensions class added. - BaseThread and DelayedAction classes implemented to introduce multithreading to our project. - Enums added (NpcActionType, DialogActionType, EntityType). - Corrected alot of values with the NPC table and added 2 new fields (Frequency and Name). - [2030]MsgNpcInfo implemented. - [2031]MsgNpc implemented. - [2032]MsgDialogTask implemented. - Client and Creature threads created. - Solution wide code clean up and optimizations.
  19. commit 5c42286d039b80ede45441fc3848194de70176a4 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Point2Point Calculations added to Kernel.cs - Entity UID limits added to constants.cs - Vision.cs updated to allow creatures to see and be seen. - Creatures loaded and spawned. - GetMonsterTypes() added to MonsterTypeRepository. - Creature class written. - ReceiveDamage and Die methods added to Entity, WorldClient and Creature classes. - Corrected an issue with Life and Mana being set to 0 upon logon. - MsgAction => UpdateSurroundings handled. - Corrections to MsgMapInfo. - Creatures now have combat stats also. - Moved variable Map outside of Point class. - Optimizations to Map class. - Enums AIState and CreatureSettings added. - [2030]MsgNpc implemented.
  20. commit 1225e79dc6393abd359767f7b6f8587a45c8ffa2 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Fixed a few issues with the solution file
  21. commit c10684100baf6d8a4c06843bde5f1cb9ae7e9432 Author: Moh <[email protected]> Date: Fri Dec 8 (02:42:17 - 16:13:09) 2017 +0200 - MsgUserInfo fix up to get correct values for Life and Mana - LogonHandler class added (Handles logon functionalities such as double experience, lucky time and heaven blessing) - More statistics and SecondsFromNow(DateTime) method added to Kernel.cs - LogonHandler (Logon Messages) - Variables Name, Spouse, Life, Mana handled in WorldClient - Vision SendToScreen implemented where needed to show player actions, directions and movements - More constants added - Updates to .gitignore - Updates to Kernel.cs - Entity and WorldClient were heavily modified to better suit the projects needs. - MsgUserAttrib Packet - MsgPlayer Packet - Vision.cs. (untested) - ClientEffects - IniFile added to the library - LogonServer: MsgAccount modified - Modifications to Kernel.cs - Creature, NPC, Companion entity classes added - MsgPlayer (Clients, Mobs and Pets) completed - Loading Methods to ServerDatabase - Maps & DMaps loading and handling completed (Note: Adds roughly 800 MB of ram usage)
  22. commit afa479a555a500663cdde2742d3cefb804bc3b1b Author: xMarlin <[email protected]> - DB Mapping Embeded Resource (Done)
  23. commit f85ae2a38a8820b18aa7a479b1b4c8b8728ef019 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - Modification to (MsgAccount) - MsgWalk Implemented - MsgAction (ChangeDirection, ChangeAction) - Huge updates to Database (new Domains, Mappings, Repositories & Tables - Modification to DatabaseContext - Added more Enums (ActionType, AssociateType, CurrencyType, DropRuleType, GuildRank, ItemFlags, ReportStatus, NpcType, MovementType, SkillSort, TargetType, TaskType)
  24. commit a409fb146b54adcc84fd203b9fb1ab2647a18505 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - MsgAction - MsgItem (Ping) - Modifications to DBAccount, DBClient and Kernel - Added variables to Entity & WorldClient - DBStat, DBLevelExp Domains, Mappings and Repositories implemented - Enums (ClientEffect, ClientStatus, ItemAction, ItemLocation, MapFlagType, PKMode, WeatherType) - Map, DMap, DMap Server, Location, CombatStatstics, Constants classes implemented
  25. commit 36caf48c51a14ce36e50e869bf72a4985e34c6e3 Author: Moh <[email protected]> - More code cleanup. - Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/Specy3/frostemu - Unused references for all projects. - Solution wide code cleanup. - README.md edited online with Bitbucket - Initial Commit
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