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Everything posted by Moh

  1. commit b7a925c4e851a51e6ad00490282dced461d94aa3 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Changed the way gold is calculated and set internally to avoid issues going forward. - Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect amount of gold to drop on player death. - Fixed an issue that limited all auras to 45 seconds if they are being set again rather than only doing it for Cyclone/SuperMan auras. - Fixed an issue that caused certain items that are below level 15 to downgrade on reborn. - Fixed a couple of NREs related to Equipment and Vision. - Implemented a new timer to store NPC interactions. - Guilds will now be able to clear disbanded guilds from Allies/Enemies automatically. - Guilds will now hot reload members on Key member changes. Attack/Spell: - Fixed an issue that caused scatter to ignore certain targets. Event: - Fixed an issue with MontlyPK not storing the Halo correctly. - Fixed an issue with WeeklyPK not storing the Halo correctly. - PvP Events will no longer spawn a ghost/bugged instance of a character that had DC'd during an event. NPC: - Improvements to the way NPC dialogs are handled. - Added more security checks to check for NPC abuse. - Limited the number of usages available per NPC to counter NPC dialogue spam, NPCs will now ignore spammed requests until next available usage time. - Most NPC scripts were updated to use the gold change. CMD: - Updates to Admin commands.
  2. commit 2d7e66f91ab69650bb432992332d847f180ec619 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Configuration updates. - DiscordBot improved. - Further idiot-proofing to Selection Screen. - Fixed an issue with death experience loss/gain scaling. Event: - Valentines event disabled. CMD: - More discord commands. Misc: - Solution wide code cleanups.
  3. There's going to be a server maintenance after CityWars tonight, downtime 3 minutes.
  4. commit c3601b77870f1b82295f8e7093e3e2b5f277cca2 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - DiscordBot improvements and optimizations also added a new channel for Punishments. - Stacking mechanic improved which should reduce CreatureThread load. - Certain Kernel methods improved. - PunishLogs are now added to MongoDB. - Improved Mining again. Event: - Valentines Day event written and enabled. - Fixed a bug with DisCity that caused players not to be teleported out of DisCity when the time runs out if the player is dead. (Thanks WishFish) Attack/Spell: - MagicHandler improved alot and optimized. Item: - Improved logging for ItemComposition. - Valentines Day event items are now included in VIP Quest drop notifications. - Event items are no longer droppable. Creature: - King & Boss creatures will no longer take the appearance of Seasonal Event Creatures. - Improved item drop generation. Companion: - Removed redundant return calls in the class. NPC: - Fixed an issue with PhoenixCastle - Norbert. CMD: - More discord commands.
  5. commit e04687afe4a4a49517519c7aa59db5a23b865ad5 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Companion: - Tiny fix to dmap cells.
  6. Server Maintenance has concluded, patch notes will be posted shortly, Also We've just decided to increase the following rates until Valentines event ends: - 2x Gold - 2x Solo Experience - 2x Spell Experience - 2x Prof Experience We wish the entire community a lovely valentine and good luck everyone!
  7. Server Maintenance in 20 minutes, downtime 3 minutes, patch notes will be posted soon. Also The Primal Conquer team wishes the community a happy valentines day! and to celebrate it we've something special in store for you! Seek out VillageIdiot in Twin City to begin the journey! In addition to that, we'll have a 30% off donation event which will last until the Valentine event is over.
  8. Server maintenance has concluded and server is back online, keep in mind that a client update #60 was released, Please run your launchers to automatically grab the update. Cheers!
  9. commit b1b68dfbf4e7a553c68be44722e004fedf9f5d46 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates to Network performance counters.
  10. commit 6a71ca61ccdbe3e2377b15d2f718b4e7bddbc36e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Implementation of CircularBuffers, thanks to Ultimation. - Render Distance doubled, thanks to Ultimation for finding the address for us. - Packet splitting improved. - Seals moved to be included in configs rather than being random magic strings. - Reduced rates on scrolls in AdvZone. - Fixed an issue with item drops on instanced maps. - Slight buff to mining. - Map class cleaned up. Attack/Spell: - Sector spells now use the stacking mechanic. Misc: - Solution wide code cleanup.
  11. We'll be having a server maintenance in 25 minutes to fix and update the server, expected downtime will be ~3 minutes and patch notes will be posted later.
  12. commit 87f63c77928a9a91d1ee2d34f491ec8cd8eeace2 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Item: - Firework type items now have an enforced server side delay of 5 seconds.
  13. commit bc24c9c8c5f18f3f096b63875eba69a1c2a6d2ef Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> CMD: - Fixups to mute discord command.
  14. commit 56922e40684bbc2b76f93ed9ce41fe372d98fafe Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Misc: - Solution wide cleanup and removal of unused references and libraries.
  15. commit 7a30b5cccb456517b3ce76bf38bb3ceff4b27be6 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Event: - VIP isn't usable in PvPEvents anymore.
  16. commit f89e74da0d5031b96002bc3cae3d9e1f1039d15b Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Fixed an issue that caused items to drop in an odd shape/pattern. -- Class Cleanups: --- Kernel. --- PrimalHub. --- DropHandler. --- LogonHandler. --- PacketHandler. --- Selector. --- Server. --- Vision. --- Entity. --- MapEffect. --- NPC. --- SOB. --- Associate. --- Guild. --- CombatStatistics. --- Item. --- Map. --- MessageBoard. --- Proficiency. --- Spell. --- Storage. --- Task. --- Team. --- Trade. --- ClientThread. Attack/Spell: - Calculation cleanup. Creature: - Aides missing AI has been added. - Creature AI may now use pathfinding capabilities for certain creatures. - Escape mechanic was limited to creatures of the Aide type.
  17. commit 35d7d2e85fb00713a1a8f1a63b2cd7fe9a8b9f90 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates to Vision class and code cleanup. Creature: - Only Aide type creatures will escape now. Event: - Generated client stamina in PvP events is reduced by 50%.
  18. commit 807c4ea2ec206f59b3f9491db206c7d5ebc10e19 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> CMD: - More admin commands.
  19. commit a0bf7e4ef694240755fbab8f637fc8053f4ca07e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Thread Base class improved. - Re-Implemented Path Finding capabilities using A* & D* algorithms. - Kernel cleanup. - Kernel GetPath() method written using A* & D* algorithms. - Entity class code cleanup. - GroundItems now snapshot player locations incase of teleport on death. - ItemThread optimizations and cleanups. WorldClient: - Fixed a bug that caused players with BlackName auras to drop items in Jail rather than the original location before death. Creature: - Guards & Patrols are now immune to auras. - Creatures will no longer get stuck in random areas. - Removed Monster AI Monitor as we've caught the issue. Companion: - Fixed an issue that pets caused on Run/Walk/Despawn actions due to not clearing their TileFlags. CMD: - More admin commands. - Fixed a few issues with DiscordBot commands.
  20. commit 775cc31791f517d6b6d91ee411e86698583f4f74 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Permission fixups to DiscordBot. - Enabled the second CreatureThread again. - Fixups to Kernel ValidCreatureCoordinates to attempt to fix the issue. - Server sided debugging capabilities for characters with Admin permissions (Myself). Creature: - CreatureAI monitor to report back every move for a selected creature. - Creatures will look for a valid respawn location if their StartX StartY locations are occupied by another creature. CMD: - More admin commands.
  21. commit e2bfb43fcab3966be11f04ad4dd0a234242e5c74 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates to Kernel GetDirection() method. - Guilds now can have 1 Fealty Guild, changeable once a week. Attack/Spell: - Companions/Pets are now included in the ghost/spell stacking mechanic. - Fixed an issue with EarthQuake that was caused by an invalid scaling value in the database and also added the Freeze effect. Creature: - Improvements to Monster AI and fixups to some of the issues that came up with the last update. - Rewrote Move() method. - Rewrote Escape() method. - Major code refactoring for the Creature AI. Event: - City War bonuses are extended to Fealty Guilds. - City War major code refactoring. NPC: - TwinCity - GuildDirector Organized dialog and added a new option to assign fealty guilds.
  22. commit b6bfff9288304ac0e5bea1191241a03cc36dae85 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Network Performance Counter added. - Fixups to GetSpellTank method. - Kernel Get Direction Methods Improved. -- Packets: --- MsgWalk improvements. Creature: - Improved City War bonus check code on monster drop. - Improved Creature AI and reaction speed. - Creatures now will try to escape. WorldClient: - Implemented needed variables for item processing. - Fixed an issue with Equipment swapping when inventory is full. Events: - City War can now check for fealty guilds. - Improvements to GW and preparations for an overhaul.
  23. commit dbe139c5c489f73dabcbf64a5771e7f59773081e Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Creatures: - More updates to creatures logic.
  24. commit 84a63755f4a726c0728887018f9f0e0cf804dea1 Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Updates the ThreadBase class. - Threading cleanup. - LogonHandler improved. WorldClient: - Top Halos will now persist on death. Creature: - Creatures will now use the correct checks for movement validation. - Fixups to Creature drop rules. CMD: - Admin Commands fixups. - Mod Commands fixups. - Player Commands fixups. - Discord Commands fixups.
  25. commit 39d50e2e1a6e202b6d2459b8be25edcba746ceef Author: Moh360 <[email protected]> Core: - Added an extra Creature Thread. - Offloaded GroundItem on drop/death back to ItemThread. - Fixed an issue that caused Gold to not display properly as VIP.
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